const path = require('path') const { Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable, File } = require('atom') const _ = require('underscore-plus') const fs = require('fs-plus') const renderer = require('./renderer') module.exports = class MarkdownPreviewView { static deserialize (params) { return new MarkdownPreviewView(params) } constructor ({ editorId, filePath }) { this.editorId = editorId this.filePath = filePath this.element = document.createElement('div') this.element.classList.add('markdown-preview') this.element.tabIndex = -1 this.emitter = new Emitter() this.loaded = false this.disposables = new CompositeDisposable() this.registerScrollCommands() if (this.editorId != null) { this.resolveEditor(this.editorId) } else if (atom.packages.hasActivatedInitialPackages()) { this.subscribeToFilePath(this.filePath) } else { this.disposables.add( atom.packages.onDidActivateInitialPackages(() => { this.subscribeToFilePath(this.filePath) }) ) } } serialize () { return { deserializer: 'MarkdownPreviewView', filePath: this.getPath() != null ? this.getPath() : this.filePath, editorId: this.editorId } } copy () { return new MarkdownPreviewView({ editorId: this.editorId, filePath: this.getPath() != null ? this.getPath() : this.filePath }) } destroy () { this.disposables.dispose() this.element.remove() } registerScrollCommands () { this.disposables.add( atom.commands.add(this.element, { 'core:move-up': () => { this.element.scrollTop -= document.body.offsetHeight / 20 }, 'core:move-down': () => { this.element.scrollTop += document.body.offsetHeight / 20 }, 'core:page-up': () => { this.element.scrollTop -= this.element.offsetHeight }, 'core:page-down': () => { this.element.scrollTop += this.element.offsetHeight }, 'core:move-to-top': () => { this.element.scrollTop = 0 }, 'core:move-to-bottom': () => { this.element.scrollTop = this.element.scrollHeight } }) ) } onDidChangeTitle (callback) { return this.emitter.on('did-change-title', callback) } onDidChangeModified (callback) { // No op to suppress deprecation warning return new Disposable() } onDidChangeMarkdown (callback) { return this.emitter.on('did-change-markdown', callback) } subscribeToFilePath (filePath) { this.file = new File(filePath) this.emitter.emit('did-change-title') this.disposables.add( this.file.onDidRename(() => this.emitter.emit('did-change-title')) ) this.handleEvents() return this.renderMarkdown() } resolveEditor (editorId) { const resolve = () => { this.editor = this.editorForId(editorId) if (this.editor != null) { this.emitter.emit('did-change-title') this.disposables.add( this.editor.onDidDestroy(() => this.subscribeToFilePath(this.getPath()) ) ) this.handleEvents() this.renderMarkdown() } else { this.subscribeToFilePath(this.filePath) } } if (atom.packages.hasActivatedInitialPackages()) { resolve() } else { this.disposables.add(atom.packages.onDidActivateInitialPackages(resolve)) } } editorForId (editorId) { for (const editor of atom.workspace.getTextEditors()) { if ( != null && === editorId.toString()) { return editor } } return null } handleEvents () { const lazyRenderMarkdown = _.debounce(() => this.renderMarkdown(), 250) this.disposables.add( atom.grammars.onDidAddGrammar(() => lazyRenderMarkdown()) ) if (typeof atom.grammars.onDidRemoveGrammar === 'function') { this.disposables.add( atom.grammars.onDidRemoveGrammar(() => lazyRenderMarkdown()) ) } else { // TODO: Remove onDidUpdateGrammar hook once onDidRemoveGrammar is released this.disposables.add( atom.grammars.onDidUpdateGrammar(() => lazyRenderMarkdown()) ) } atom.commands.add(this.element, { 'core:copy': event => { event.stopPropagation() return this.copyToClipboard() }, 'markdown-preview:select-all': () => { this.selectAll() }, 'markdown-preview:zoom-in': () => { const zoomLevel = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.element).zoom) = zoomLevel + 0.1 }, 'markdown-preview:zoom-out': () => { const zoomLevel = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.element).zoom) = zoomLevel - 0.1 }, 'markdown-preview:reset-zoom': () => { = 1 }, 'markdown-preview:toggle-break-on-single-newline' () { const keyPath = 'markdown-preview.breakOnSingleNewline' atom.config.set(keyPath, !atom.config.get(keyPath)) }, 'markdown-preview:toggle-github-style' () { const keyPath = 'markdown-preview.useGitHubStyle' atom.config.set(keyPath, !atom.config.get(keyPath)) } }) const changeHandler = () => { this.renderMarkdown() const pane = atom.workspace.paneForItem(this) if (pane != null && pane !== atom.workspace.getActivePane()) { pane.activateItem(this) } } if (this.file) { this.disposables.add(this.file.onDidChange(changeHandler)) } else if (this.editor) { this.disposables.add( this.editor.getBuffer().onDidStopChanging(function () { if (atom.config.get('markdown-preview.liveUpdate')) { changeHandler() } }) ) this.disposables.add( this.editor.onDidChangePath(() => this.emitter.emit('did-change-title')) ) this.disposables.add( this.editor.getBuffer().onDidSave(function () { if (!atom.config.get('markdown-preview.liveUpdate')) { changeHandler() } }) ) this.disposables.add( this.editor.getBuffer().onDidReload(function () { if (!atom.config.get('markdown-preview.liveUpdate')) { changeHandler() } }) ) } this.disposables.add( atom.config.onDidChange( 'markdown-preview.breakOnSingleNewline', changeHandler ) ) this.disposables.add( atom.config.observe('markdown-preview.useGitHubStyle', useGitHubStyle => { if (useGitHubStyle) { this.element.setAttribute('data-use-github-style', '') } else { this.element.removeAttribute('data-use-github-style') } }) ) document.onselectionchange = () => { const selection = window.getSelection() const selectedNode = selection.baseNode if ( selectedNode === null || this.element === selectedNode || this.element.contains(selectedNode) ) { if (selection.isCollapsed) { this.element.classList.remove('has-selection') } else { this.element.classList.add('has-selection') } } } } renderMarkdown () { if (!this.loaded) { this.showLoading() } return this.getMarkdownSource() .then(source => { if (source != null) { return this.renderMarkdownText(source) } }) .catch(reason => this.showError({ message: reason })) } getMarkdownSource () { if (this.file && this.file.getPath()) { return this.file .read() .then(source => { if (source === null) { return Promise.reject( new Error(`${this.file.getBaseName()} could not be found`) ) } else { return Promise.resolve(source) } }) .catch(reason => Promise.reject(reason)) } else if (this.editor != null) { return Promise.resolve(this.editor.getText()) } else { return Promise.reject(new Error('No editor found')) } } async getHTML () { const source = await this.getMarkdownSource() if (source == null) { return } return renderer.toHTML(source, this.getPath(), this.getGrammar()) } async renderMarkdownText (text) { const { scrollTop } = this.element try { const domFragment = await renderer.toDOMFragment( text, this.getPath(), this.getGrammar() ) this.loading = false this.loaded = true this.element.textContent = '' this.element.appendChild(domFragment) this.emitter.emit('did-change-markdown') this.element.scrollTop = scrollTop } catch (error) { this.showError(error) } } getTitle () { if (this.file != null && this.getPath() != null) { return `${path.basename(this.getPath())} Preview` } else if (this.editor != null) { return `${this.editor.getTitle()} Preview` } else { return 'Markdown Preview' } } getIconName () { return 'markdown' } getURI () { if (this.file != null) { return `markdown-preview://${this.getPath()}` } else { return `markdown-preview://editor/${this.editorId}` } } getPath () { if (this.file != null) { return this.file.getPath() } else if (this.editor != null) { return this.editor.getPath() } } getGrammar () { return this.editor != null ? this.editor.getGrammar() : undefined } getDocumentStyleSheets () { // This function exists so we can stub it return document.styleSheets } getTextEditorStyles () { const textEditorStyles = document.createElement('atom-styles') textEditorStyles.initialize(atom.styles) textEditorStyles.setAttribute('context', 'atom-text-editor') document.body.appendChild(textEditorStyles) // Extract style elements content return Array.prototype.slice .apply(textEditorStyles.childNodes) .map(styleElement => styleElement.innerText) } getMarkdownPreviewCSS () { const markdownPreviewRules = [] const ruleRegExp = /\.markdown-preview/ const cssUrlRegExp = /url\(atom:\/\/markdown-preview\/assets\/(.*)\)/ for (const stylesheet of this.getDocumentStyleSheets()) { if (stylesheet.rules != null) { for (const rule of stylesheet.rules) { // We only need `.markdown-review` css if (rule.selectorText && rule.selectorText.match(ruleRegExp)) { markdownPreviewRules.push(rule.cssText) } } } } return markdownPreviewRules .concat(this.getTextEditorStyles()) .join('\n') .replace(/atom-text-editor/g, 'pre.editor-colors') .replace(/:host/g, '.host') // Remove shadow-dom :host selector causing problem on FF .replace(cssUrlRegExp, function (match, assetsName, offset, string) { // base64 encode assets const assetPath = path.join(__dirname, '../assets', assetsName) const originalData = fs.readFileSync(assetPath, 'binary') const base64Data = Buffer.from(originalData, 'binary').toString( 'base64' ) return `url('data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64Data}')` }) } showError (result) { this.element.textContent = '' const h2 = document.createElement('h2') h2.textContent = 'Previewing Markdown Failed' this.element.appendChild(h2) if (result) { const h3 = document.createElement('h3') h3.textContent = result.message this.element.appendChild(h3) } } showLoading () { this.loading = true this.element.textContent = '' const div = document.createElement('div') div.classList.add('markdown-spinner') div.textContent = 'Loading Markdown\u2026' this.element.appendChild(div) } selectAll () { if (this.loading) { return } const selection = window.getSelection() selection.removeAllRanges() const range = document.createRange() range.selectNodeContents(this.element) selection.addRange(range) } async copyToClipboard () { if (this.loading) { return } const selection = window.getSelection() const selectedText = selection.toString() const selectedNode = selection.baseNode // Use default copy event handler if there is selected text inside this view if ( selectedText && selectedNode != null && (this.element === selectedNode || this.element.contains(selectedNode)) ) { atom.clipboard.write(selectedText) } else { try { const html = await this.getHTML() atom.clipboard.write(html) } catch (error) { atom.notifications.addError('Copying Markdown as HTML failed', { dismissable: true, detail: error.message }) } } } getSaveDialogOptions () { let defaultPath = this.getPath() if (defaultPath) { defaultPath += '.html' } else { let projectPath defaultPath = '' if ((projectPath = atom.project.getPaths()[0])) { defaultPath = path.join(projectPath, defaultPath) } } return { defaultPath } } async saveAs (htmlFilePath) { if (this.loading) { atom.notifications.addWarning( 'Please wait until the Markdown Preview has finished loading before saving' ) return } const filePath = this.getPath() let title = 'Markdown to HTML' if (filePath) { title = path.parse(filePath).name } const htmlBody = await this.getHTML() const html = `\ ${title} ${htmlBody} ` + '\n' // Ensure trailing newline fs.writeFileSync(htmlFilePath, html) return } }