Repo for the search and displace core module including the interface to select files and search and displace operations to run on them.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

588 lines
20 KiB

  1. # This file originates from node2nix
  2. {lib, stdenv, nodejs, python2, pkgs, libtool, runCommand, writeTextFile, writeShellScript}:
  3. let
  4. # Workaround to cope with utillinux in Nixpkgs 20.09 and util-linux in Nixpkgs master
  5. utillinux = if pkgs ? utillinux then pkgs.utillinux else pkgs.util-linux;
  6. python = if nodejs ? python then nodejs.python else python2;
  7. # Create a tar wrapper that filters all the 'Ignoring unknown extended header keyword' noise
  8. tarWrapper = runCommand "tarWrapper" {} ''
  9. mkdir -p $out/bin
  10. cat > $out/bin/tar <<EOF
  11. #! ${} -e
  12. $(type -p tar) "\$@" --warning=no-unknown-keyword --delay-directory-restore
  13. EOF
  14. chmod +x $out/bin/tar
  15. '';
  16. # Function that generates a TGZ file from a NPM project
  17. buildNodeSourceDist =
  18. { name, version, src, ... }:
  19. stdenv.mkDerivation {
  20. name = "node-tarball-${name}-${version}";
  21. inherit src;
  22. buildInputs = [ nodejs ];
  23. buildPhase = ''
  24. export HOME=$TMPDIR
  25. tgzFile=$(npm pack | tail -n 1) # Hooks to the pack command will add output (
  26. '';
  27. installPhase = ''
  28. mkdir -p $out/tarballs
  29. mv $tgzFile $out/tarballs
  30. mkdir -p $out/nix-support
  31. echo "file source-dist $out/tarballs/$tgzFile" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
  32. '';
  33. };
  34. # Common shell logic
  35. installPackage = writeShellScript "install-package" ''
  36. installPackage() {
  37. local packageName=$1 src=$2
  38. local strippedName
  39. local DIR=$PWD
  40. cd $TMPDIR
  41. unpackFile $src
  42. # Make the base dir in which the target dependency resides first
  43. mkdir -p "$(dirname "$DIR/$packageName")"
  44. if [ -f "$src" ]
  45. then
  46. # Figure out what directory has been unpacked
  47. packageDir="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -1)"
  48. # Restore write permissions to make building work
  49. find "$packageDir" -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \;
  50. chmod -R u+w "$packageDir"
  51. # Move the extracted tarball into the output folder
  52. mv "$packageDir" "$DIR/$packageName"
  53. elif [ -d "$src" ]
  54. then
  55. # Get a stripped name (without hash) of the source directory.
  56. # On old nixpkgs it's already set internally.
  57. if [ -z "$strippedName" ]
  58. then
  59. strippedName="$(stripHash $src)"
  60. fi
  61. # Restore write permissions to make building work
  62. chmod -R u+w "$strippedName"
  63. # Move the extracted directory into the output folder
  64. mv "$strippedName" "$DIR/$packageName"
  65. fi
  66. # Change to the package directory to install dependencies
  67. cd "$DIR/$packageName"
  68. }
  69. '';
  70. # Bundle the dependencies of the package
  71. #
  72. # Only include dependencies if they don't exist. They may also be bundled in the package.
  73. includeDependencies = {dependencies}:
  74. lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) (
  75. ''
  76. mkdir -p node_modules
  77. cd node_modules
  78. ''
  79. + (lib.concatMapStrings (dependency:
  80. ''
  81. if [ ! -e "${}" ]; then
  82. ${composePackage dependency}
  83. fi
  84. ''
  85. ) dependencies)
  86. + ''
  87. cd ..
  88. ''
  89. );
  90. # Recursively composes the dependencies of a package
  91. composePackage = { name, packageName, src, dependencies ? [], ... }@args:
  92. builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating node package '${packageName}'" ''
  93. installPackage "${packageName}" "${src}"
  94. ${includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; }}
  95. cd ..
  96. ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
  97. '';
  98. pinpointDependencies = {dependencies, production}:
  99. let
  100. pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON = writeTextFile {
  101. name = "pinpointDependencies.js";
  102. text = ''
  103. var fs = require('fs');
  104. var path = require('path');
  105. function resolveDependencyVersion(location, name) {
  106. if(location == process.env['NIX_STORE']) {
  107. return null;
  108. } else {
  109. var dependencyPackageJSON = path.join(location, "node_modules", name, "package.json");
  110. if(fs.existsSync(dependencyPackageJSON)) {
  111. var dependencyPackageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dependencyPackageJSON));
  112. if( == name) {
  113. return dependencyPackageObj.version;
  114. }
  115. } else {
  116. return resolveDependencyVersion(path.resolve(location, ".."), name);
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. function replaceDependencies(dependencies) {
  121. if(typeof dependencies == "object" && dependencies !== null) {
  122. for(var dependency in dependencies) {
  123. var resolvedVersion = resolveDependencyVersion(process.cwd(), dependency);
  124. if(resolvedVersion === null) {
  125. process.stderr.write("WARNING: cannot pinpoint dependency: "+dependency+", context: "+process.cwd()+"\n");
  126. } else {
  127. dependencies[dependency] = resolvedVersion;
  128. }
  129. }
  130. }
  131. }
  132. /* Read the package.json configuration */
  133. var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'));
  134. /* Pinpoint all dependencies */
  135. replaceDependencies(packageObj.dependencies);
  136. if(process.argv[2] == "development") {
  137. replaceDependencies(packageObj.devDependencies);
  138. }
  139. replaceDependencies(packageObj.optionalDependencies);
  140. /* Write the fixed package.json file */
  141. fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
  142. '';
  143. };
  144. in
  145. ''
  146. node ${pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON} ${if production then "production" else "development"}
  147. ${lib.optionalString (dependencies != [])
  148. ''
  149. if [ -d node_modules ]
  150. then
  151. cd node_modules
  152. ${lib.concatMapStrings (dependency: pinpointDependenciesOfPackage dependency) dependencies}
  153. cd ..
  154. fi
  155. ''}
  156. '';
  157. # Recursively traverses all dependencies of a package and pinpoints all
  158. # dependencies in the package.json file to the versions that are actually
  159. # being used.
  160. pinpointDependenciesOfPackage = { packageName, dependencies ? [], production ? true, ... }@args:
  161. ''
  162. if [ -d "${packageName}" ]
  163. then
  164. cd "${packageName}"
  165. ${pinpointDependencies { inherit dependencies production; }}
  166. cd ..
  167. ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
  168. fi
  169. '';
  170. # Extract the Node.js source code which is used to compile packages with
  171. # native bindings
  172. nodeSources = runCommand "node-sources" {} ''
  173. tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xf ${nodejs.src}
  174. mv node-* $out
  175. '';
  176. # Script that adds _integrity fields to all package.json files to prevent NPM from consulting the cache (that is empty)
  177. addIntegrityFieldsScript = writeTextFile {
  178. name = "addintegrityfields.js";
  179. text = ''
  180. var fs = require('fs');
  181. var path = require('path');
  182. function augmentDependencies(baseDir, dependencies) {
  183. for(var dependencyName in dependencies) {
  184. var dependency = dependencies[dependencyName];
  185. // Open package.json and augment metadata fields
  186. var packageJSONDir = path.join(baseDir, "node_modules", dependencyName);
  187. var packageJSONPath = path.join(packageJSONDir, "package.json");
  188. if(fs.existsSync(packageJSONPath)) { // Only augment packages that exist. Sometimes we may have production installs in which development dependencies can be ignored
  189. console.log("Adding metadata fields to: "+packageJSONPath);
  190. var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath));
  191. if(dependency.integrity) {
  192. packageObj["_integrity"] = dependency.integrity;
  193. } else {
  194. packageObj["_integrity"] = "sha1-000000000000000000000000000="; // When no _integrity string has been provided (e.g. by Git dependencies), add a dummy one. It does not seem to harm and it bypasses downloads.
  195. }
  196. if(dependency.resolved) {
  197. packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.resolved; // Adopt the resolved property if one has been provided
  198. } else {
  199. packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.version; // Set the resolved version to the version identifier. This prevents NPM from cloning Git repositories.
  200. }
  201. if(dependency.from !== undefined) { // Adopt from property if one has been provided
  202. packageObj["_from"] = dependency.from;
  203. }
  204. fs.writeFileSync(packageJSONPath, JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
  205. }
  206. // Augment transitive dependencies
  207. if(dependency.dependencies !== undefined) {
  208. augmentDependencies(packageJSONDir, dependency.dependencies);
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
  212. if(fs.existsSync("./package-lock.json")) {
  213. var packageLock = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./package-lock.json"));
  214. if(![1, 2].includes(packageLock.lockfileVersion)) {
  215. process.stderr.write("Sorry, I only understand lock file versions 1 and 2!\n");
  216. process.exit(1);
  217. }
  218. if(packageLock.dependencies !== undefined) {
  219. augmentDependencies(".", packageLock.dependencies);
  220. }
  221. }
  222. '';
  223. };
  224. # Reconstructs a package-lock file from the node_modules/ folder structure and package.json files with dummy sha1 hashes
  225. reconstructPackageLock = writeTextFile {
  226. name = "addintegrityfields.js";
  227. text = ''
  228. var fs = require('fs');
  229. var path = require('path');
  230. var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
  231. var lockObj = {
  232. name:,
  233. version: packageObj.version,
  234. lockfileVersion: 1,
  235. requires: true,
  236. dependencies: {}
  237. };
  238. function augmentPackageJSON(filePath, dependencies) {
  239. var packageJSON = path.join(filePath, "package.json");
  240. if(fs.existsSync(packageJSON)) {
  241. var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSON));
  242. dependencies[] = {
  243. version: packageObj.version,
  244. integrity: "sha1-000000000000000000000000000=",
  245. dependencies: {}
  246. };
  247. processDependencies(path.join(filePath, "node_modules"), dependencies[].dependencies);
  248. }
  249. }
  250. function processDependencies(dir, dependencies) {
  251. if(fs.existsSync(dir)) {
  252. var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
  253. files.forEach(function(entry) {
  254. var filePath = path.join(dir, entry);
  255. var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
  256. if(stats.isDirectory()) {
  257. if(entry.substr(0, 1) == "@") {
  258. // When we encounter a namespace folder, augment all packages belonging to the scope
  259. var pkgFiles = fs.readdirSync(filePath);
  260. pkgFiles.forEach(function(entry) {
  261. if(stats.isDirectory()) {
  262. var pkgFilePath = path.join(filePath, entry);
  263. augmentPackageJSON(pkgFilePath, dependencies);
  264. }
  265. });
  266. } else {
  267. augmentPackageJSON(filePath, dependencies);
  268. }
  269. }
  270. });
  271. }
  272. }
  273. processDependencies("node_modules", lockObj.dependencies);
  274. fs.writeFileSync("package-lock.json", JSON.stringify(lockObj, null, 2));
  275. '';
  276. };
  277. prepareAndInvokeNPM = {packageName, bypassCache, reconstructLock, npmFlags, production}:
  278. let
  279. forceOfflineFlag = if bypassCache then "--offline" else "--registry";
  280. in
  281. ''
  282. # Pinpoint the versions of all dependencies to the ones that are actually being used
  283. echo "pinpointing versions of dependencies..."
  284. source $pinpointDependenciesScriptPath
  285. # Patch the shebangs of the bundled modules to prevent them from
  286. # calling executables outside the Nix store as much as possible
  287. patchShebangs .
  288. # Deploy the Node.js package by running npm install. Since the
  289. # dependencies have been provided already by ourselves, it should not
  290. # attempt to install them again, which is good, because we want to make
  291. # it Nix's responsibility. If it needs to install any dependencies
  292. # anyway (e.g. because the dependency parameters are
  293. # incomplete/incorrect), it fails.
  294. #
  295. # The other responsibilities of NPM are kept -- version checks, build
  296. # steps, postprocessing etc.
  297. export HOME=$TMPDIR
  298. cd "${packageName}"
  299. runHook preRebuild
  300. ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
  301. ${lib.optionalString reconstructLock ''
  302. if [ -f package-lock.json ]
  303. then
  304. echo "WARNING: Reconstruct lock option enabled, but a lock file already exists!"
  305. echo "This will most likely result in version mismatches! We will remove the lock file and regenerate it!"
  306. rm package-lock.json
  307. else
  308. echo "No package-lock.json file found, reconstructing..."
  309. fi
  310. node ${reconstructPackageLock}
  311. ''}
  312. node ${addIntegrityFieldsScript}
  313. ''}
  314. npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} rebuild
  315. if [ "''${dontNpmInstall-}" != "1" ]
  316. then
  317. # NPM tries to download packages even when they already exist if npm-shrinkwrap is used.
  318. rm -f npm-shrinkwrap.json
  319. npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} install
  320. fi
  321. '';
  322. # Builds and composes an NPM package including all its dependencies
  323. buildNodePackage =
  324. { name
  325. , packageName
  326. , version
  327. , dependencies ? []
  328. , buildInputs ? []
  329. , production ? true
  330. , npmFlags ? ""
  331. , dontNpmInstall ? false
  332. , bypassCache ? false
  333. , reconstructLock ? false
  334. , preRebuild ? ""
  335. , dontStrip ? true
  336. , unpackPhase ? "true"
  337. , buildPhase ? "true"
  338. , meta ? {}
  339. , ... }@args:
  340. let
  341. extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" "dontStrip" "dontNpmInstall" "preRebuild" "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" "meta" ];
  342. in
  343. stdenv.mkDerivation ({
  344. name = "${name}-${version}";
  345. buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
  346. ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
  347. ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
  348. ++ buildInputs;
  349. inherit nodejs;
  350. inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
  351. inherit dontNpmInstall preRebuild unpackPhase buildPhase;
  352. compositionScript = composePackage args;
  353. pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
  354. passAsFile = [ "compositionScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
  355. installPhase = ''
  356. source ${installPackage}
  357. # Create and enter a root node_modules/ folder
  358. mkdir -p $out/lib/node_modules
  359. cd $out/lib/node_modules
  360. # Compose the package and all its dependencies
  361. source $compositionScriptPath
  362. ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
  363. # Create symlink to the deployed executable folder, if applicable
  364. if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/.bin" ]
  365. then
  366. ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
  367. fi
  368. # Create symlinks to the deployed manual page folders, if applicable
  369. if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man" ]
  370. then
  371. mkdir -p $out/share
  372. for dir in "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man/"*
  373. do
  374. mkdir -p $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
  375. for page in "$dir"/*
  376. do
  377. ln -s $page $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
  378. done
  379. done
  380. fi
  381. # Run post install hook, if provided
  382. runHook postInstall
  383. '';
  384. meta = {
  385. # default to Node.js' platforms
  386. platforms = nodejs.meta.platforms;
  387. } // meta;
  388. } // extraArgs);
  389. # Builds a node environment (a node_modules folder and a set of binaries)
  390. buildNodeDependencies =
  391. { name
  392. , packageName
  393. , version
  394. , src
  395. , dependencies ? []
  396. , buildInputs ? []
  397. , production ? true
  398. , npmFlags ? ""
  399. , dontNpmInstall ? false
  400. , bypassCache ? false
  401. , reconstructLock ? false
  402. , dontStrip ? true
  403. , unpackPhase ? "true"
  404. , buildPhase ? "true"
  405. , ... }@args:
  406. let
  407. extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" ];
  408. in
  409. stdenv.mkDerivation ({
  410. name = "node-dependencies-${name}-${version}";
  411. buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
  412. ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
  413. ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
  414. ++ buildInputs;
  415. inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
  416. inherit dontNpmInstall unpackPhase buildPhase;
  417. includeScript = includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; };
  418. pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
  419. passAsFile = [ "includeScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
  420. installPhase = ''
  421. source ${installPackage}
  422. mkdir -p $out/${packageName}
  423. cd $out/${packageName}
  424. source $includeScriptPath
  425. # Create fake package.json to make the npm commands work properly
  426. cp ${src}/package.json .
  427. chmod 644 package.json
  428. ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
  429. if [ -f ${src}/package-lock.json ]
  430. then
  431. cp ${src}/package-lock.json .
  432. fi
  433. ''}
  434. # Go to the parent folder to make sure that all packages are pinpointed
  435. cd ..
  436. ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
  437. ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
  438. # Expose the executables that were installed
  439. cd ..
  440. ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
  441. mv ${packageName} lib
  442. ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
  443. '';
  444. } // extraArgs);
  445. # Builds a development shell
  446. buildNodeShell =
  447. { name
  448. , packageName
  449. , version
  450. , src
  451. , dependencies ? []
  452. , buildInputs ? []
  453. , production ? true
  454. , npmFlags ? ""
  455. , dontNpmInstall ? false
  456. , bypassCache ? false
  457. , reconstructLock ? false
  458. , dontStrip ? true
  459. , unpackPhase ? "true"
  460. , buildPhase ? "true"
  461. , ... }@args:
  462. let
  463. nodeDependencies = buildNodeDependencies args;
  464. in
  465. stdenv.mkDerivation {
  466. name = "node-shell-${name}-${version}";
  467. buildInputs = [ python nodejs ] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux ++ buildInputs;
  468. buildCommand = ''
  469. mkdir -p $out/bin
  470. cat > $out/bin/shell <<EOF
  471. #! ${} -e
  472. $shellHook
  473. exec ${}
  474. EOF
  475. chmod +x $out/bin/shell
  476. '';
  477. # Provide the dependencies in a development shell through the NODE_PATH environment variable
  478. inherit nodeDependencies;
  479. shellHook = lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) ''
  480. export NODE_PATH=${nodeDependencies}/lib/node_modules
  481. export PATH="${nodeDependencies}/bin:$PATH"
  482. '';
  483. };
  484. in
  485. {
  486. buildNodeSourceDist = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeSourceDist;
  487. buildNodePackage = lib.makeOverridable buildNodePackage;
  488. buildNodeDependencies = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeDependencies;
  489. buildNodeShell = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeShell;
  490. }