Repo for the search and displace core module including the interface to select files and search and displace operations to run on them.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

334 lines
14 KiB

3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. <template>
  2. <div class="p-d-flex p-flex-row p-jc-between p-ai-stretch">
  3. <Card class="p-mr-2 p-as-stretch file-card">
  4. <template #header>
  5. <Toolbar>
  6. <template #right>
  7. <Button @click="onAddNewSearcher"
  8. type="button"
  9. label="Add new searcher"
  10. class="p-button p-button-outlined p-button-secondary p-button-sm">
  11. </Button>
  12. <Button @click="onDefineSearcher"
  13. type="button"
  14. label="Define searcher"
  15. class="p-button p-button-outlined p-button-primary p-button-sm">
  16. </Button>
  17. <Button
  18. label="Try another document"
  19. icon="pi pi-upload"
  20. class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  21. @click="toggleUploadDialog()"/>
  22. </template>
  23. </Toolbar>
  24. </template>
  25. <template #title>
  26. Original document content
  27. </template>
  28. <template #content>
  29. <div class="md-viewer" style="text-align: start; font-size: 0.7em;">
  30. <template v-if="fileContent === ''">
  31. <Skeleton/>
  32. <br/>
  33. <Skeleton/>
  34. <br/>
  35. <Skeleton/>
  36. <br/>
  37. <Skeleton/>
  38. <br/>
  39. <Skeleton/>
  40. <br/>
  41. <Skeleton/>
  42. <br/>
  43. <Skeleton/>
  44. <br/>
  45. </template>
  46. <template v-else>
  47. <div v-html="compiledFileContent"></div>
  48. </template>
  49. </div>
  50. </template>
  51. </Card>
  52. <Card class="p-mr-2 p-as-stretch file-card">
  53. <template #header>
  54. <Toolbar>
  55. <template #right>
  56. <label for="show-diff-highlight" class="switch-label">Highlight differences:</label>
  57. <InputSwitch
  58. v-model="showDiffHighlight"
  59. name="show-diff-highlight"
  60. inputId="show-diff-highlight"
  61. :disabled="processedFileContent == ''"/>
  62. <Button
  63. label="Download document"
  64. icon="pi pi-download"
  65. class="p-button-secondary p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  66. :disabled="processedFileContent == ''"
  67. @click="downloadOdt"/>
  68. <Button
  69. label="Download original"
  70. :icon=" ! applyingOnOriginalDocument ? 'pi pi-download' : 'pi pi-loading'"
  71. class="p-button-secondary p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  72. :disabled="processedFileContent == '' || applyingOnOriginalDocument"
  73. @click="downloadOriginal"/>
  74. <Button
  75. label="Run search"
  76. icon="pi pi-play"
  77. class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  78. :disabled="!canRunSearchers()"
  79. @click="runSearchersWithoutDisplacing"/>
  80. <Button
  81. label="Run S&D"
  82. icon="pi pi-play"
  83. class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  84. :disabled="!canRunSearchers()"
  85. @click="runSearchers"/>
  86. </template>
  87. </Toolbar>
  88. </template>
  89. <template #title>
  90. Processed document content
  91. </template>
  92. <template #content>
  93. <div class="md-viewer" style="text-align: start; font-size: 0.7em;">
  94. <template v-if="processing === true">
  95. <Skeleton/>
  96. <br/>
  97. <Skeleton/>
  98. <br/>
  99. <Skeleton/>
  100. <br/>
  101. <Skeleton/>
  102. <br/>
  103. <Skeleton/>
  104. <br/>
  105. <Skeleton/>
  106. <br/>
  107. <Skeleton/>
  108. <br/>
  109. </template>
  110. <template v-else-if="processedFileContentPreview !== ''">
  111. <div v-html="compiledProcessedFileContentPreview" v-if="showDiffHighlight"></div>
  112. <div v-html="compiledProcessedFileContent" v-else></div>
  113. </template>
  114. <template v-else>
  115. <Message severity="info" :closable="false">
  116. Not processed yet. Please select and run some filters to see the result.
  117. </Message>
  118. </template>
  119. </div>
  120. </template>
  121. </Card>
  122. <Sidebar
  123. :visible="true"
  124. :showCloseIcon="false"
  125. :class="{'p-sidebar-md': true, 'p-sidebar-leave-to': !searchersSidebarVisible}"
  126. :dismissable="true"
  127. :modal="false"
  128. :autoZIndex="true"
  129. :baseZIndex="1000"
  130. position="right">
  131. <div class="p-grid p-jc-start">
  132. <Button
  133. icon="pi pi-list"
  134. class="p-button-info p-button-icon-only sidebar-toggle-button"
  135. @click="toggleSearchersSidebar()"
  136. :disabled="searchersDialogVisible === true"/>
  137. </div>
  138. <div class="p-grid p-jc-between sidebar-title-container">
  139. <div class="p-col sidebar-title">
  140. <h3>Document searchers</h3>
  141. </div>
  142. <div class="p-col-2">
  143. <Button
  144. icon="pi pi-plus"
  145. class="p-button-success p-button-sm p-button-text add-searchers"
  146. @click="toggleSearchersDialog(true)"
  147. aria:haspopup="true"
  148. aria-controls="searcers_dialog"/>
  149. </div>
  150. </div>
  151. <Dialog header="Available document searchers"
  152. :visible.sync="searchersDialogVisible"
  153. :maximizable="true"
  154. :style="{width: '50vw'}"
  155. :contentStyle="{overflow: 'visible'}"
  156. id="searchers_dialog"
  157. ref="searchers-dialog">
  158. <DataTable
  159. :value.sync="searchers"
  160. :selection.sync="newlySelectedSearchers"
  161. dataKey="id"
  162. selectionMode="multiple"
  163. class="p-datatable-sm"
  164. :metaKeySelection="false"
  165. :paginator="true"
  166. :rows="10"
  167. paginatorTemplate="CurrentPageReport FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown"
  168. currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords}"
  169. :rowsPerPageOptions="[10,20,50]"
  170. :filters="searchersFilters">
  171. <Column selectionMode="multiple" headerStyle="width: 3em"></Column>
  172. <Column
  173. field="name"
  174. header="Name"
  175. sortable>
  176. <template #body="slotProps">
  177. {{}}
  178. </template>
  179. <template #filter>
  180. <InputText type="text" v-model="searchersFilters['global']" class="p-column-filter" placeholder="Search by name"/>
  181. </template>
  182. </Column>
  183. <Column
  184. field="description"
  185. header="Description"
  186. sortable
  187. class="filter-description">
  188. </Column>
  189. </DataTable>
  190. <template #footer>
  191. <Button
  192. label="Done"
  193. icon="pi pi-check"
  194. class="p-button-info p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
  195. @click="toggleSearchersDialog(false)">
  196. </Button>
  197. </template>
  198. </Dialog>
  199. <DataTable
  200. :value.sync="Object.values(selectedSearchers)"
  201. dataKey="id"
  202. class="p-datatable-sm"
  203. :expandedRows.sync="expandedRows"
  204. @row-reorder="onSelectedSearchersReorder"
  205. :scrollable="true"
  206. scrollHeight="80vh">
  207. <Column :rowReorder="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem"/>
  208. <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column>
  209. <Column headerStyle="width: 3rem">
  210. <template #body="slotProps">
  211. <Button icon="pi pi-trash"
  212. class="p-button-rounded p-button-warning"
  213. @click="confirmDeleteProduct("/>
  214. </template>
  215. </Column>
  216. <Column :expander="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem"/>
  217. <template #expansion="slotProps">
  218. <div class="options-subtable">
  219. <div class="p-fluid">
  220. <div class="p-field">
  221. <div class="p-field-radiobutton">
  222. <RadioButton name="action_type"
  223. id="action_type_replace"
  224. value="replace"
  225. v-model="searchersOptions[].type">
  226. </RadioButton>
  227. <label for="action_type_replace">Replace</label>
  228. </div>
  229. <div class="p-field-radiobutton">
  230. <RadioButton name="action_type"
  231. id="action_type_displace"
  232. value="displace"
  233. v-model="searchersOptions[].type">
  234. </RadioButton>
  235. <label for="action_type_displace">Displace</label>
  236. </div>
  237. </div>
  238. </div>
  239. <div class="p-field">
  240. <label :for="`displace_with__${}`">
  241. <span>
  242. {{ searchersOptions[].type === 'replace' ? 'Replace' : 'Displace (tag)' }}
  243. </span>
  244. <span>
  245. values with:
  246. </span>
  247. </label>
  248. <InputText
  249. :id="`displace_with__${}`"
  250. type="text"
  251. class="p-inputtext-sm"
  252. v-model="searchersOptions[].value"
  254. ( === 'required') ?
  255. 'This field is required.' : null
  256. "
  257. :class="{'p-invalid': !isValidParam(,}"/>
  258. </div>
  259. </div>
  260. </template>
  261. <template #footer>
  262. <Button
  263. label="Run filters"
  264. icon="pi pi-play"
  265. class="p-button-success p-button-sm"
  266. :disabled="!canRunSearchers()"
  267. @click="toggleSearchersSidebar(); runSearchers()"/>
  268. </template>
  269. </DataTable>
  270. </Sidebar>
  271. <!-- File upload dialog -->
  272. <Dialog header="Upload a new file"
  273. :visible.sync="uploadDialogVisible"
  274. :maximizable="true"
  275. :style="{width: '50vw'}"
  276. :contentStyle="{overflow: 'visible'}"
  277. :baseZIndex="2014"
  278. id="upload_dialog"
  279. ref="upload-dialog">
  280. <FileUpload
  281. name="upload[]"
  282. :customUpload="true"
  283. :auto="true"
  284. @uploader="uploadFile">
  285. <template #empty>
  286. <p>Drag and drop files to here to upload.</p>
  287. </template>
  288. </FileUpload>
  289. </Dialog>
  290. <define-searcher v-if="showDefineSearcher"
  291. :text="searcherToDefineText"
  292. @done="onSearcherDefined"
  293. @close="showDefineSearcher = false">
  294. </define-searcher>
  295. </div>
  296. </template>
  297. <script lang="ts" src="./ProcessFile.ts"></script>
  298. <style lang="scss" src="./ProcessFile.scss"></style>