Repo for the search and displace core module including the interface to select files and search and displace operations to run on them.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
4.0 KiB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="p-d-flex p-flex-row p-jc-between p-ai-stretch">
  3. <Toast />
  4. <Card
  5. class="p-mr-2 p-as-stretch file-card"
  6. >
  7. <template #header>
  8. <Toolbar>
  9. <template #left>
  10. <h3>File preview</h3>
  11. </template>
  12. </Toolbar>
  13. </template>
  14. <template #content>
  15. <template v-if="fileContent === ''">
  16. <Skeleton /><br />
  17. <Skeleton /><br />
  18. <Skeleton /><br />
  19. <Skeleton /><br />
  20. <Skeleton /><br />
  21. <Skeleton /><br />
  22. <Skeleton /><br />
  23. </template>
  24. <template v-else>
  25. <vue-markdown :source="fileContent" />
  26. </template>
  27. </template>
  28. </Card>
  29. <Card class="p-mr-2 p-as-stretch filters-card">
  30. <template #header>
  31. <Toolbar>
  32. <template #left>
  33. <h3>Document searchers</h3>
  34. </template>
  35. <template #right>
  36. <Button
  37. icon="pi pi-plus"
  38. class="p-button-success p-button-sm p-button-text"
  39. @click="toggleSearchersMenu"
  40. aria:haspopup="true"
  41. aria-controls="overlay_panel" />
  42. </template>
  43. </Toolbar>
  44. </template>
  45. <template #content>
  46. <DataTable
  47. :value.sync="selectedSearchers"
  48. dataKey="id"
  49. :expandedRows.sync="expandedRows"
  50. @row-reorder="onSelectedSearchersReorder"
  51. @row-expand="onSelectedSearcherExpand"
  52. @row-collapse="onSelectedSearcherCollapse">
  53. <Column :rowReorder="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem" />
  54. <Column field="name" header="Name" sortable></Column>
  55. <Column :expander="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem" />
  56. <template #expansion="slotProps">
  57. <div class="options-subtable">
  58. <!-- TODO: Add real options here -->
  59. <h5>Options for {{}}</h5>
  60. <!-- <ProgressSpinner /> -->
  61. <div class="p-fluid">
  62. <div class="p-field">
  63. <label for="firstname">Option 1</label>
  64. <InputText id="firstname" type="text" class="p-inputtext-sm" />
  65. </div>
  66. <div class="p-field">
  67. <label for="lastname">Option 2</label>
  68. <InputText id="lastname" type="text" class="p-inputtext-sm" />
  69. </div>
  70. </div>
  71. </div>
  72. </template>
  73. </DataTable>
  74. </template>
  75. </Card>
  76. <OverlayPanel
  77. ref="searchers-overlay"
  78. appendTo="body"
  79. id="overlay_panel"
  80. style="width: 300px">
  81. <DataTable
  82. :value.sync="searchersData"
  83. :selection.sync="selectedSearchers"
  84. dataKey="id"
  85. selectionMode="multiple"
  86. class="p-datatable-sm"
  87. :metaKeySelection="false">
  88. <Column selectionMode="multiple" headerStyle="width: 3em"></Column>
  89. <Column field="name" header="Name" sortable></Column>
  90. </DataTable>
  91. </OverlayPanel>
  92. </div>
  93. </template>
  94. <script lang="ts" src="./ProcessFile.ts"></script>
  95. <style lang="scss" src="./ProcessFile.scss"></style>