<template> <div id="searchers-create" :class="{'is-defining': isDefining,}">
<!-- <h1> {{ searcher.id ? 'Edit' : 'New' }} searcher </h1> -->
<Card> <template #title> {{ searcher.id ? 'Edit' : 'New' }} searcher </template> <template #content> <div class="p-fluid p-formgrid p-grid"> <div class="p-field p-col-12 p-md-6"> <label for="searcher-">Searcher name</label> <InputText v-model="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter searcher name" class="input" id="searcher-name" name="searcher-name"> </InputText> </div> <div class="p-field p-col-12 p-md-6"> <label for="lastname">Default tag</label> <InputText v-model="tag" type="text" placeholder="Enter the default tag" class="input" id="searcher-default-tag" name="searcher-default-tag"> </InputText> </div> <div class="p-field p-col-12"> <label for="address">Description</label> <Textarea v-model="description" rows="5" placeholder="Enter searcher description" id="searcher-description" name="searcher-description" /> </div> </div> <Message severity="info" v-if="standalone"> <p>A searcher may contain multiple compounded searchers on multiple rows and columns.</p> <p>Each searcher in a row is extending the searching criteria on the content resulted from the previous row searchers.</p> </Message> </template> <template #footer> <Button @click="onSave" :disabled=" ! name || rows.length === 0"> Save </Button> </template> </Card>
<div v-for="(row, rowIndex) in rows" :key="`row-${rowIndex}`" class="searchers-row flex-row"> <div v-for="(searcher, columnIndex) in row" :key="`column-${columnIndex}`" class="searcher box"> <searcher-show :searcher="searcher" :editable="true" :standalone="false" @deleted="onRemoveItem(rowIndex, columnIndex)"> </searcher-show> </div>
<add-box :ignore-searcher-ids="searcher.id ? [searcher.id] : []" @added="(searcher) => { onSearcherAdded(searcher, rowIndex); }"> </add-box> </div>
<div class="searchers-row flex-row"> <add-box @added="onNewRowSearcherAdded"> </add-box> </div> </div> </template>
<script lang="ts"> import { eventBus } from "@/app"; import {Component, Prop, Vue} from "vue-property-decorator"; import AddBox from './AddBox.vue'; import SearcherShow from './Show.vue';
@Component({ name: 'SearcherCreate',
components: { AddBox, SearcherShow, }, }) export default class Create extends Vue { private id: String = ''; private name: String = ''; private description: String = ''; private tag: String = ''; private rows: Array<Array<any>> = [];
@Prop({ default: () => { return { id: '', name: '', description: '', tag: '', rows: [], }; } }) public readonly searcher!: any;
@Prop({default: true}) public readonly standalone!: boolean;
@Prop({default: true}) public readonly isDefining!: boolean;
@Prop({default: ''}) public readonly definedSearcher!: string;
onNewRowSearcherAdded(searcher: Object) { const length = this.rows.push([]);
this.onSearcherAdded(searcher, length - 1); }
async onSearcherAdded(searcher: any, rowIndex: number) { try { const { data } = await (window as any).axios.get(`/searchers/${searcher.id}`);
this.rows[rowIndex].push(data.searcher); } catch (e) {
} }
onSave() { if (this.standalone) { this.save();
return; }
const updatedSearcher = Object.assign(this.searcher, { name: this.name, description: this.description, tag: this.tag, rows: this.rows, });
this.$emit('updated', updatedSearcher); }
async save() { try { const searcher = this.id ? await this.update() : await this.create();
if (this.isDefining) { this.$emit('defined', searcher);
return; }
window.location.href = `/searchers/${searcher.id}`; } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log('Something went wrong.'); } }
async update() { const { data } = await (window as any).axios.put(`/searchers/${this.id}`, { name: this.name, description: this.description, tag: this.tag, rows: this.rows, });
return data.searcher; }
async create() { const { data } = await (window as any).axios.post('/searchers', { name: this.name, description: this.description, tag: this.tag, rows: this.rows, });
return data.searcher; }
onRemoveItem(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) { if ( this.rows[rowIndex][columnIndex].hasOwnProperty('rows') && this.rows[rowIndex][columnIndex].rows.length === 0 ) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: `${this.searcher.name} searcher deleted`, detail: 'The searcher has been deleted as well because it does not have any searching data..', life: 4000, }); }
this.rows[rowIndex].splice(columnIndex, 1);
if (this.rows[rowIndex].length === 0) { this.rows.splice(rowIndex, 1); } }
public async changeRoute(url: string) { if (this.rows.length > 0) { if (this.name === '' || this.name === undefined) { this.name = 'Unnamed searcher - ' + Date.now(); }
const searcher = this.id ? await this.update() : await this.create(); }
window.location.href = url; }
created() { // Editing.
if (this.searcher.id) { this.id = this.searcher.id; this.rows = this.searcher.rows; this.name = this.searcher.name; this.description = this.searcher.description; this.tag = this.searcher.tag; }
if (this.isDefining && this.definedSearcher) { this.name = this.definedSearcher; this.description = '';
this.rows.push([ { expression: this.definedSearcher, }, ]); }
eventBus.$on('changeRoute', this.changeRoute); } }; </script>