import axios from 'axios'; // import OverlayPanel from 'primevue/overlaypanel/OverlayPanel'; import { Vue, Component, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { FileData } from '@interfaces/FileData'; @Component export default class ProcessFile extends Vue { /** * Props */ // The data for the file we are processing @Prop({ default: { id: -1, file: '', path: '' } }) public readonly file!: FileData; // The list of available searchers @Prop({ default: [] }) public readonly searchers!: { [keys: string]: string; } /** * Class members */ public $refs!: { 'searchers-overlay': any } // The id of the interval used to query the file status private intervalId!: any; // The content of the file we are processing private fileContent: string = ''; // The list of filters/searchers in a format usable by the datatable private searchersData: Array<{ id: string; name: string; }> = []; // The list of selected filters/searchers private selectedSearchers: Array<{ id: string; name: string; }> = []; //The list of expanded rows in the selected filters/searchers table private expandedRows: Array<{id: string; name: string; }> = []; /** * */ created() { for(let index in this.searchers) { let searcherData = { id: index, name: this.searchers[index] }; this.searchersData.push(searcherData); } this.intervalId = setInterval(this.waitForFile, 3000); } /** * */ private async waitForFile() { const response = await this.$api.getFileData(; if (response.text !== null && response.ready === true) { if (response.ingest_status === 'fail') { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'File error', detail: 'THere was an error processing the file in ingest', life: 3000 }); } else { this.fileContent = response.documentContent; this.$toast.add({ severity:'success', summary: 'File loaded', detail: 'The file has been processed by ingest.', life: 3000 }); clearInterval(this.intervalId); } } else { console.log('FILE NOT READY YET!'); } } private toggleSearchersMenu($event: any) { this.$refs['searchers-overlay'].toggle($event); } private onRowSelect($event: any) { console.log('SELECT: ', $event); console.log(this.selectedSearchers); } private onRowUnselect($event: any) { console.log('UNSELECT: ', $event); console.log(this.selectedSearchers); } private onSelectedSearchersReorder($event: any) { this.selectedSearchers = $event.value; } private onSelectedSearcherExpand($event:any) { } private onSelectedSearcherCollapse($event:any) { } }