import {Vue, Component, Prop, Watch} from 'vue-property-decorator'; import {FileData} from '@/interfaces/FileData'; import { eventBus } from '@/app'; import DefineSearcher from '../Searchers/DefineSearcher.vue'; import RadioButton from "primevue/radiobutton"; import {isServerError} from "@/SearchDisplace/helpers"; import $ from 'jquery'; @Component({ components: { RadioButton, DefineSearcher, }, }) export default class ProcessFile extends Vue { /** * Props */ // The data for the file we are processing @Prop({default: {id: -1, file: '', path: ''}}) public readonly file!: FileData; // The list of available searchers @Prop({default: []}) public readonly searchers!: []; @Prop({default: null}) public readonly document!: File | null; /** * Class members */ // The id of the interval used to query the file status private intervalId!: any; // The content of the file we are processing private fileContent: string = ''; // The processed document content private processedFileContent: string = ''; private processedFileContentPreview: boolean = false; private documentDiffIndexes: { [key: string]: Array<{ start: number; end: number; }>; } = {}; // Flag to determine whether the text is processing or not private processing: boolean = false; // Toggles the visibility of the selected searchers sidebar private searchersSidebarVisible: boolean = false; // Toggles the visibility of the available searchers dialog private searchersDialogVisible: boolean = false; // Toggles the visibility of the document upload dialog private uploadDialogVisible: boolean = false; // The list of filters/searchers in a format usable by the datatable // private searchersData: Array<{ id: string; name: string; type: string; }> = []; // The list of filters applied to the selected searchers private searchersFilters: any = {}; // The list of selected filters/searchers private selectedSearchers: any = {}; //The list of expanded rows in the selected filters/searchers table private expandedRows: Array = []; // The list of options applied to the searchers (for the moment, only replace_with) private searchersOptions: { [key: string]: { type: string, value: string, } } = {}; // Flag to determine whether or not we will show the diff highlights private showDiffHighlight: boolean = false; private newlySelectedSearchers: Array<{ id: string; name: string; }> = []; private showDefineSearcher: boolean = false; private searcherToDefineText: string = ''; private applyingOnOriginalDocument: boolean = false; /** * */ created() { let storedSearchers = localStorage.getItem('searchers'); if (storedSearchers !== null) { this.selectedSearchers = JSON.parse(storedSearchers); localStorage.removeItem('searchers'); let searchersOptions = localStorage.getItem('searchersOptions'); if (searchersOptions !== null) { this.searchersOptions = JSON.parse(searchersOptions); localStorage.removeItem('searchersOptions'); } } this.intervalId = setInterval(this.waitForFile, 3000); window.addEventListener('onbeforeunload', async (event) => { // Cancel the event as stated by the standard. event.preventDefault(); const response = await this.$api.discardFile(; return event; }); eventBus.$on('changeRoute', this.changeRoute); } /** * HTML compiled file content */ get compiledFileContent(): string { return this.fileContent; } /** * HTML compiled processed file content */ get compiledProcessedFileContent(): string { return this.processedFileContent; } /** * MD-to-HTML compiled processed file content with diff highlight */ get compiledProcessedFileContentPreview(): boolean { return this.processedFileContentPreview; } public changeRoute(url: string) { const el = document.body; setTimeout(() => { el.classList.remove('p-overflow-hidden'); }, 10); this.$confirm.require({ message: 'You will lose any progress on the current uploaded document. Are you sure you want to proceed?', header: 'Confirmation', icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle', blockScroll: false, accept: () => { window.location.href = url; this.$api.discardFile(; }, reject: () => { // TODO: Show a message to the user that the action was cancelled. } }); } /** * Toggle the sidebar containing the searchers */ private toggleSearchersSidebar() { this.searchersSidebarVisible = !this.searchersSidebarVisible; } /** * Toggle the menu containing the list of available searchers * * @param {string} newValue The new value for the dialog visibility */ private toggleSearchersDialog(newValue?: boolean) { if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined') { this.searchersDialogVisible = newValue; } else { this.searchersDialogVisible = !this.searchersDialogVisible; } if ( ! this.searchersDialogVisible) { for (let selectedSearcher of this.newlySelectedSearchers) { // this.selectedSearchers[] = selectedSearcher; this.$set(this.selectedSearchers,, selectedSearcher); this.expandedRows = Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).filter((p: any) =>; } this.newlySelectedSearchers = []; } } /** * Toggle the dialog which lets the user upload a new document * * @param {boolean} newValue */ toggleUploadDialog(newValue?: boolean) { if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined') { this.uploadDialogVisible = newValue; } else { this.uploadDialogVisible = !this.uploadDialogVisible; } } /** * A method which uploads the files to the server for processing * * @param event The event containing the uploaded files information */ public async uploadFile(event: any): Promise { localStorage.setItem('searchers', JSON.stringify(this.selectedSearchers)); localStorage.setItem('searchersOptions', JSON.stringify(this.searchersOptions)); this.toggleUploadDialog(false); this.$confirm.require({ message: 'You will lose any progress on the current uploaded document. Are you sure you want to proceed?', header: 'Confirmation', icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle', accept: () => { this.fileContent = this.processedFileContent = ''; let file = event.files[0]; this.toggleUploadDialog(false); this.$api.discardFile(; this.$emit('newFile', file); }, reject: () => { // TODO: Show a message to the user that the action was cancelled. } }); } /** * Wait for the file to be processed in ingest */ private async waitForFile() { const response = await this.$api.getFileData(; if (response.status === 'processing') { return; } clearInterval(this.intervalId); if (response.status === 'success') { this.fileContent = response.content ? response.content : ''; this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'File loaded', detail: 'The file has been processed by ingest.', life: 3000 }); } if (response.status === 'fail') { const error = 'There was an error processing the file in ingest'; this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'File error', detail: error, life: 3000 }); this.$emit('error', error); } } private async verifySdOnOriginalDocumentIsDone(id: string) { const response = await this.$api.verifySdOnOriginalDocumentIsDone(id); if (response.status === 'processing') { return; } clearInterval(this.intervalId); if (response.status === 'fail') { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Something went wrong.', detail: 'Document could not have been processed.', life: 7000, }); this.applyingOnOriginalDocument = false; return; } this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'File loaded', detail: 'The file has been processed by ingest.', life: 7000, }); this.downloadFinishedOriginalDocument(id); this.applyingOnOriginalDocument = false; // @TODO Send request to backend to delete file if no other way.. } private downloadFinishedOriginalDocument(id: string) { const url = `${window.location.origin}/search-and-displace/original-document/${id}/download`; const link = window.document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('download', 'Document.doxc'); link.href = url; window.document.body.appendChild(link);; link.remove(); } /** * * @param $event */ private onSelectedSearchersReorder($event: any) { Object.assign({}, this.selectedSearchers, $event.value); } private confirmDeleteProduct(searcher: any) { this.$delete(this.selectedSearchers,; } /** * Run the searchers */ private async runSearchers() { this.processing = true; this.processedFileContent = ''; let searchers: Array<{ key: string; type: string; value: string; }> = []; Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).forEach((searcher: any) => { searchers.push({ key:, type: this.searchersOptions[].type, value: this.searchersOptions[].value || '', }); }); try { const response = await this.$api.filterDocument(, searchers); this.processedFileContent = response.content; this.processedFileContentPreview = true; this.showDiffHighlight = true; this.processing = false; } catch (e) { this.$emit('error', 'Server error.'); // if (isServerError(e)) { // this.$emit('error', getServerErrorMessage(e)); // } } } private async runSearchersWithoutDisplacing() { this.processing = true; let searchers: Array<{ key: string; type: string; value: string; }> = []; Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).forEach((searcher: any) => { searchers.push({ key:, type: this.searchersOptions[].type, value: this.searchersOptions[].value || '' }); }); try { const response = await this.$api.filterDocument(, searchers, true); this.processedFileContent = response.content; this.processedFileContentPreview = true; this.showDiffHighlight = true; this.processing = false; } catch (e) { this.$emit('error', 'Server error.'); // if (isServerError(e)) { // this.$emit('error', getServerErrorMessage(e)); // } } } /** * Download the document in ODT format */ private async downloadOdt() { let searchers: Array<{ key: string; type: string; value: string; }> = []; Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).forEach((searcher: any) => { searchers.push({ key:, type: this.searchersOptions[].type, value: this.searchersOptions[].value || '', }); }); let response = await this.$api.convertFile({id:, name: this.file.file_name || 'filename.odt'}, searchers);`${window.location.origin}/file/download/` + response.path); } private async downloadOriginal() { if ( ! this.document) { return; } this.applyingOnOriginalDocument = true; this.$toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Processing...', detail: 'This operation may take a while..', life: 7000, }); let searchers: Array<{ key: string; type: string; value: string; }> = []; Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).forEach((searcher: any) => { searchers.push({ key:, type: this.searchersOptions[].type, value: this.searchersOptions[].value || '', }); }); try { const data = await this.$api.sdOnOriginalDocument(this.document, searchers); this.intervalId = setInterval(() => { this.verifySdOnOriginalDocumentIsDone(; }, 5000); } catch (e) { this.applyingOnOriginalDocument = false; if (isServerError(e)) { if ('errors')) { const errors =; if (errors.hasOwnProperty('file')) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: errors.file[0], detail: 'There was an error processing your file. Please try again later.', life: 7000, }); return; } } if ('message')) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary:, detail: 'There was an error processing your file. Please try again later.', life: 7000, }); return; } } this.$toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Something went wrong.', detail: 'There was an error processing your file. Please try again later.', life: 7000, }); } } private canRunSearchers(): boolean { if (this.fileContent == '' || Object.keys(this.selectedSearchers).length === 0) { return false; } for (let key of Object.keys(this.selectedSearchers)) { const searcher = this.selectedSearchers[key]; if (!this.isValidParam(, searcher.param)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if a param is valid or not. * * @param {string} paramId * @param {string} paramType * @returns {boolean} */ private isValidParam(paramId: string, paramType: string): boolean { if ( paramType === 'required' && (Object.keys(this.searchersOptions[paramId]).length === 0 || this.searchersOptions[paramId] === undefined) ) { return false; } return true; } private onDefineSearcher(): void { const selection = window.getSelection(); const selectedText = selection ? selection.toString() : ''; if ( ! selectedText) { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'No text selected.', detail: 'You need to select some text in order to define a new searcher.', life: 6000, }); return; } this.showDefineSearcher = true; this.searcherToDefineText = selectedText; } private onAddNewSearcher(): void { this.showDefineSearcher = true; this.searcherToDefineText = ''; } private onSearcherDefined(definedSearcher: Object): void { this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Searcher defined.', detail: 'You can use this newly defined searcher right away.', life: 6000, }); this.$emit('newSearcher', definedSearcher); this.showDefineSearcher = false; } /** * Watch the filters for any changes. When the search value is empty, remove it * This is needed due to a bug in PrimeVue where the pagination doesn't work when there is a active filter * * @param newValue * @param oldValue */ @Watch('searchersFilters', { deep: true }) private onFiltersChanged(newValue: any, oldValue: object): void { if ( === '') { this.searchersFilters = {}; } } /** * Watch the `showDiffHighlight` property for changes * * @param {boolean} newValue * @param {boolean} oldValue */ @Watch('showDiffHighlight') private onDiffHighlightChanged(newValue: boolean, oldValue: boolean): void { let spans = $('.processed-content').find('span'); $(spans).each(index => { if(this.showDiffHighlight) { $(spans[index]).css('background', '#FFFF00'); } else { $(spans[index]).css('background', '#FFF'); } }) } @Watch('selectedSearchers', { deep: true, }) private onSelectedSearchersChanged(): void { const selectedIds = Object.keys(this.selectedSearchers); const optionsIds = Object.keys(this.searchersOptions); selectedIds.forEach((selectedId) => { if (optionsIds.includes(selectedId)) { return; } this.$set(this.searchersOptions, selectedId, { type: this.selectedSearchers[selectedId].tag ? 'displace' : 'replace', value: this.selectedSearchers[selectedId].tag ? this.selectedSearchers[selectedId].tag : '', }); }); optionsIds.forEach((optionId) => { if (selectedIds.includes(optionId)) { return; } this.$delete(this.selectedSearchers, optionId); }); } }