Repo for the search and displace ingest module that takes odf, docx and pdf and transforms it into .md to be used with search and displace operations
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3 years ago
  1. object FormMain: TFormMain
  2. Left = 637
  3. Height = 740
  4. Top = 231
  5. Width = 521
  6. AllowDropFiles = True
  7. Caption = 'Deskew GUI'
  8. ClientHeight = 740
  9. ClientWidth = 521
  10. Color = clWhite
  11. Constraints.MinHeight = 520
  12. Constraints.MinWidth = 520
  13. OnCreate = FormCreate
  14. OnDestroy = FormDestroy
  15. OnDropFiles = FormDropFiles
  16. Position = poWorkAreaCenter
  17. SessionProperties = 'Position'
  18. LCLVersion = ''
  19. object Notebook: TNotebook
  20. Left = 8
  21. Height = 724
  22. Top = 8
  23. Width = 505
  24. PageIndex = 0
  25. Align = alClient
  26. BorderSpacing.Around = 8
  27. TabOrder = 0
  28. object PageIn: TPage
  29. Color = clWhite
  30. object BtnDeskew: TButton
  31. Left = 0
  32. Height = 57
  33. Top = 667
  34. Width = 505
  35. Action = ActDeskew
  36. Align = alBottom
  37. Anchors = [akLeft]
  38. Font.Height = -32
  39. ParentFont = False
  40. TabOrder = 2
  41. end
  42. object PanelFiles: TPanel
  43. Left = 0
  44. Height = 465
  45. Top = 0
  46. Width = 505
  47. Align = alClient
  48. BevelOuter = bvNone
  49. ClientHeight = 465
  50. ClientWidth = 505
  51. TabOrder = 0
  52. object Label1: TLabel
  53. Left = 0
  54. Height = 23
  55. Top = 4
  56. Width = 505
  57. Align = alTop
  58. BorderSpacing.Top = 4
  59. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
  60. Caption = 'Input Files'
  61. Font.Color = 11428096
  62. Font.Height = 24
  63. Font.Style = [fsBold]
  64. ParentColor = False
  65. ParentFont = False
  66. end
  67. object MemoFiles: TMemo
  68. Left = 0
  69. Height = 374
  70. Top = 37
  71. Width = 505
  72. Align = alClient
  73. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 54
  74. ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
  75. TabOrder = 0
  76. WordWrap = False
  77. end
  78. object BtnAddFiles: TButton
  79. Left = 0
  80. Height = 37
  81. Top = 417
  82. Width = 103
  83. Action = ActAddFiles
  84. Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
  85. Default = True
  86. Font.Height = -16
  87. ParentFont = False
  88. TabOrder = 1
  89. end
  90. object BtnClear: TButton
  91. Left = 402
  92. Height = 37
  93. Top = 417
  94. Width = 103
  95. Action = ActClearFiles
  96. Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
  97. Font.Height = -16
  98. ParentFont = False
  99. TabOrder = 2
  100. end
  101. object BtnAbout: TButton
  102. Left = 468
  103. Height = 25
  104. Top = 0
  105. Width = 37
  106. Action = ActShowAbout
  107. Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
  108. AutoSize = True
  109. TabOrder = 3
  110. TabStop = False
  111. end
  112. end
  113. object PanelOptions: TPanel
  114. Left = 0
  115. Height = 182
  116. Top = 471
  117. Width = 505
  118. Align = alBottom
  119. AutoSize = True
  120. BorderSpacing.Top = 6
  121. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 14
  122. BevelOuter = bvNone
  123. ClientHeight = 182
  124. ClientWidth = 505
  125. TabOrder = 1
  126. object Label2: TLabel
  127. Left = 0
  128. Height = 23
  129. Top = 4
  130. Width = 505
  131. Align = alTop
  132. BorderSpacing.Top = 4
  133. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4
  134. Caption = 'Options && Parameters'
  135. Font.Color = 11428096
  136. Font.Height = 24
  137. Font.Style = [fsBold]
  138. ParentColor = False
  139. ParentFont = False
  140. end
  141. object Panel1: TPanel
  142. Left = 0
  143. Height = 143
  144. Top = 31
  145. Width = 505
  146. Align = alClient
  147. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 8
  148. BevelOuter = bvNone
  149. ClientHeight = 143
  150. ClientWidth = 505
  151. TabOrder = 0
  152. object ColorBtnBackground: TColorButton
  153. AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabBackColor
  154. AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
  155. AnchorSideTop.Control = LabBackColor
  156. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
  157. AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
  158. Left = 117
  159. Height = 28
  160. Top = 115
  161. Width = 64
  162. BorderSpacing.Left = 12
  163. BorderWidth = 2
  164. ButtonColorSize = 16
  165. ButtonColor = clWhite
  166. Flat = True
  167. end
  168. object LabOptOutputFolder: TLabel
  169. AnchorSideTop.Control = CheckDefaultOutputFileOptions
  170. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  171. Left = 8
  172. Height = 15
  173. Top = 43
  174. Width = 75
  175. BorderSpacing.Top = 12
  176. Caption = 'Output folder:'
  177. ParentColor = False
  178. end
  179. object LabBackColor: TLabel
  180. Left = 8
  181. Height = 15
  182. Top = 122
  183. Width = 97
  184. Caption = 'Background color:'
  185. ParentColor = False
  186. end
  187. object CheckDefaultOutputFileOptions: TCheckBox
  188. Left = 8
  189. Height = 19
  190. Top = 12
  191. Width = 180
  192. Caption = 'Use default output file options'
  193. Checked = True
  194. State = cbChecked
  195. TabOrder = 0
  196. end
  197. object LabOptFileFormat: TLabel
  198. AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
  199. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  200. Left = 8
  201. Height = 15
  202. Top = 76
  203. Width = 60
  204. BorderSpacing.Top = 18
  205. Caption = 'File format:'
  206. ParentColor = False
  207. end
  208. object ComboFileFormat: TComboBox
  209. AnchorSideLeft.Control = EdDirOutput
  210. AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptFileFormat
  211. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
  212. AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
  213. Left = 95
  214. Height = 23
  215. Top = 72
  216. Width = 256
  217. ItemHeight = 15
  218. Style = csDropDownList
  219. TabOrder = 3
  220. end
  221. object EdDirOutput: TEdit
  222. AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
  223. AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
  224. AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
  225. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
  226. AnchorSideRight.Control = BtnBrowseOutputDir
  227. Left = 95
  228. Height = 23
  229. Top = 39
  230. Width = 323
  231. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
  232. BorderSpacing.Left = 12
  233. BorderSpacing.Right = 4
  234. TabOrder = 1
  235. end
  236. object BtnBrowseOutputDir: TButton
  237. AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
  238. AnchorSideTop.Control = EdDirOutput
  239. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
  240. AnchorSideRight.Control = Panel1
  241. AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
  242. AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
  243. Left = 424
  244. Height = 25
  245. Top = 38
  246. Width = 73
  247. Action = ActBrowseOutputDir
  248. Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
  249. AutoSize = True
  250. BorderSpacing.Left = 6
  251. BorderSpacing.Right = 8
  252. TabOrder = 2
  253. end
  254. object BtnAdvOptions: TButton
  255. AnchorSideTop.Control = LabBackColor
  256. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
  257. AnchorSideRight.Control = BtnBrowseOutputDir
  258. AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
  259. Left = 396
  260. Height = 25
  261. Top = 117
  262. Width = 101
  263. Action = ActShowAdvOptions
  264. Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
  265. TabOrder = 4
  266. end
  267. end
  268. end
  269. end
  270. object PageOut: TPage
  271. object PanelProgress: TPanel
  272. Left = 0
  273. Height = 106
  274. Top = 0
  275. Width = 505
  276. Align = alTop
  277. BevelOuter = bvNone
  278. ClientHeight = 106
  279. ClientWidth = 505
  280. TabOrder = 0
  281. object LabDeskewProgressTitle: TLabel
  282. Left = 0
  283. Height = 28
  284. Top = 4
  285. Width = 505
  286. Align = alTop
  287. BorderSpacing.Top = 4
  288. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4
  289. Caption = 'Deskew in Progress'
  290. Font.Color = 11428096
  291. Font.Height = 24
  292. Font.Style = [fsBold]
  293. ParentColor = False
  294. ParentFont = False
  295. end
  296. object ProgressBar: TProgressBar
  297. Left = 8
  298. Height = 20
  299. Top = 76
  300. Width = 489
  301. Align = alBottom
  302. BorderSpacing.Left = 8
  303. BorderSpacing.Top = 8
  304. BorderSpacing.Right = 8
  305. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
  306. Max = 10
  307. ParentColor = False
  308. Position = 4
  309. Smooth = True
  310. TabOrder = 0
  311. end
  312. object LabProgressTitle: TLabel
  313. Left = 8
  314. Height = 16
  315. Top = 52
  316. Width = 75
  317. BorderSpacing.Left = 8
  318. BorderSpacing.Right = 4
  319. Caption = 'Current file:'
  320. Layout = tlBottom
  321. ParentColor = False
  322. end
  323. object LabCurrentFile: TLabel
  324. AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabProgressTitle
  325. AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
  326. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  327. AnchorSideRight.Control = PanelProgress
  328. AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
  329. AnchorSideBottom.Control = LabProgressTitle
  330. AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
  331. Left = 88
  332. Height = 18
  333. Top = 50
  334. Width = 417
  335. Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
  336. AutoSize = False
  337. BorderSpacing.Left = 5
  338. Caption = 'FileName.ext [22/152]'
  339. Font.Height = 16
  340. Font.Style = [fsBold]
  341. Layout = tlBottom
  342. ParentColor = False
  343. ParentFont = False
  344. OptimalFill = True
  345. end
  346. end
  347. object PanelOut: TPanel
  348. Left = 0
  349. Height = 595
  350. Top = 106
  351. Width = 505
  352. Align = alClient
  353. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 18
  354. BevelOuter = bvNone
  355. ClientHeight = 595
  356. ClientWidth = 505
  357. TabOrder = 1
  358. object Label3: TLabel
  359. Left = 0
  360. Height = 28
  361. Top = 4
  362. Width = 505
  363. Align = alTop
  364. BorderSpacing.Top = 4
  365. BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
  366. Caption = 'Output Log'
  367. Font.Color = 11428096
  368. Font.Height = 24
  369. Font.Style = [fsBold]
  370. ParentColor = False
  371. ParentFont = False
  372. end
  373. object MemoOutput: TMemo
  374. Left = 0
  375. Height = 553
  376. Top = 42
  377. Width = 505
  378. Align = alClient
  379. Font.Height = -12
  380. Font.Name = 'Courier New'
  381. ParentFont = False
  382. ReadOnly = True
  383. ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
  384. TabOrder = 0
  385. WantReturns = False
  386. WordWrap = False
  387. end
  388. end
  389. object BtnFinish: TButton
  390. Left = 0
  391. Height = 57
  392. Top = 719
  393. Width = 505
  394. Action = ActFinish
  395. Align = alBottom
  396. Anchors = [akLeft]
  397. Font.Height = -32
  398. ParentFont = False
  399. TabOrder = 2
  400. end
  401. end
  402. end
  403. object ApplicationProperties: TApplicationProperties
  404. OnIdle = ApplicationPropertiesIdle
  405. left = 176
  406. top = 200
  407. end
  408. object ActionList: TActionList
  409. left = 280
  410. top = 200
  411. object ActDeskew: TAction
  412. Caption = 'Deskew!'
  413. OnExecute = ActDeskewExecute
  414. OnUpdate = ActDeskewUpdate
  415. end
  416. object ActFinish: TAction
  417. Caption = 'Stop'
  418. OnExecute = ActFinishExecute
  419. end
  420. object ActAddFiles: TAction
  421. Caption = 'Add files...'
  422. OnExecute = ActAddFilesExecute
  423. end
  424. object ActClearFiles: TAction
  425. Caption = 'Clear'
  426. OnExecute = ActClearFilesExecute
  427. end
  428. object ActBrowseOutputDir: TAction
  429. Caption = 'Browse...'
  430. OnExecute = ActBrowseOutputDirExecute
  431. end
  432. object ActShowAdvOptions: TAction
  433. Caption = 'Advanced...'
  434. OnExecute = ActShowAdvOptionsExecute
  435. end
  436. object ActShowAbout: TAction
  437. Caption = ' ? '
  438. OnExecute = ActShowAboutExecute
  439. end
  440. end
  441. end