Repo for the search and displace ingest module that takes odf, docx and pdf and transforms it into .md to be used with search and displace operations
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3 years ago
  1. unit Options;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. Classes, SysUtils, ImagingTypes, IniFiles;
  5. type
  6. TForcedOutputFormat = (
  7. fofNone,
  8. fofBinary1,
  9. fofGray8,
  10. fofRgb24,
  11. fofRgba32
  12. );
  13. TFileFormat = (
  14. ffSameAsInput,
  15. ffPng,
  16. ffJpeg,
  17. ffTiff,
  18. ffBmp,
  19. ffPsd,
  20. ffTga,
  21. ffJng,
  22. ffPpm
  23. );
  24. { TOptions }
  25. TOptions = class
  26. private
  27. FFiles: TStrings;
  28. function GetEffectiveExecutablePath: string;
  29. function GetOutputFilePath(const InputFilePath: string): string;
  30. public
  31. // Basic options
  32. DefaultOutputFileOptions: Boolean;
  33. OutputFolder: string;
  34. OutputFileFormat: TFileFormat;
  35. BackgroundColor: TColor32;
  36. // Advanced options
  37. MaxAngle: Double;
  38. ThresholdLevel: Integer;
  39. ForcedOutputFormat: TForcedOutputFormat;
  40. SkipAngle: Double;
  41. JpegCompressionQuality: Integer;
  42. TiffCompressionScheme: Integer;
  43. DefaultExecutable: Boolean;
  44. CustomExecutablePath: string;
  45. constructor Create;
  46. destructor Destroy; override;
  47. procedure ToCmdLineParameters(AParams: TStrings; AFileIndex: Integer);
  48. procedure SaveToIni(Ini: TIniFile);
  49. procedure LoadFromIni(Ini: TIniFile);
  50. procedure Reset;
  51. property Files: TStrings read FFiles;
  52. property EffectiveExecutablePath: string read GetEffectiveExecutablePath;
  53. end;
  54. implementation
  55. uses
  56. ImagingUtility, Utils;
  57. const
  58. DefaultBackgroundColor = $FFFFFFFF; // white
  59. DefaultMaxAngle = 10.0;
  60. DefaultSkipAngle = 0.01;
  61. DefaultThresholdLevel = -1; // auto
  62. DefaultJpegCompressionQuality = -1; // use imaginglib default
  63. DefaultTiffCompressionScheme = -1; // use imaginglib default
  64. DefaultOutputFileNamePrefix = 'deskewed-';
  65. FileExts: array[TFileFormat] of string = (
  66. '', // ffSameAsInput
  67. 'png', // ffPng
  68. 'jpg', // ffJpeg
  69. 'tif', // ffTiff
  70. 'bmp', // ffBmp
  71. 'psd', // ffPsd
  72. 'tga', // ffTga
  73. 'jng', // ffJng
  74. 'ppm' // ffPpm
  75. );
  76. FormatIds: array[TForcedOutputFormat] of string = (
  77. '', // fofNone,
  78. 'b1', // fofBinary1
  79. 'g8', // fofGray8
  80. 'rgb24', // fofRgb24
  81. 'rgba32' // fofRgba32
  82. );
  83. IniSectionOptions = 'Options';
  84. IniSectionAdvanced = 'Advanced';
  85. { TOptions }
  86. constructor TOptions.Create;
  87. begin
  88. FFiles := TStringList.Create;
  89. Reset;
  90. end;
  91. destructor TOptions.Destroy;
  92. begin
  93. FFiles.Free;
  94. inherited Destroy;
  95. end;
  96. function TOptions.GetEffectiveExecutablePath: string;
  97. begin
  98. if DefaultExecutable then
  99. Result := Utils.FindDeskewExePath
  100. else
  101. Result := CustomExecutablePath;
  102. end;
  103. function TOptions.GetOutputFilePath(const InputFilePath: string): string;
  104. var
  105. FileName: string;
  106. begin
  107. FileName := ExtractFileName(InputFilePath);
  108. if DefaultOutputFileOptions then
  109. begin
  110. Result := ExtractFilePath(InputFilePath) + DefaultOutputFileNamePrefix + FileName;
  111. end
  112. else
  113. begin
  114. if OutputFileFormat <> ffSameAsInput then
  115. FileName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.' + FileExts[OutputFileFormat]);
  116. Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(OutputFolder) + FileName;
  117. // Try to avoid overwriting existing file (in case in-folder = out-folder)
  118. if FileExists(Result) then
  119. Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(OutputFolder) + DefaultOutputFileNamePrefix + FileName;
  120. end;
  121. end;
  122. procedure TOptions.ToCmdLineParameters(AParams: TStrings; AFileIndex: Integer);
  123. function FloatToStrFmt(const F: Double): string;
  124. begin
  125. Result := Format('%.2f', [F], ImagingUtility.GetFormatSettingsForFloats);
  126. end;
  127. begin
  128. Assert(AFileIndex < FFiles.Count);
  129. AParams.Clear;
  130. AParams.AddStrings(['-o', GetOutputFilePath(FFiles[AFileIndex])]);
  131. if BackgroundColor <> $FF000000 then
  132. AParams.AddStrings(['-b', IntToHex(BackgroundColor, 8)]);
  133. // Advanced options
  134. if not SameFloat(MaxAngle, DefaultMaxAngle, 0.1) then
  135. AParams.AddStrings(['-a', FloatToStrFmt(MaxAngle)]);
  136. if not SameFloat(SkipAngle, DefaultSkipAngle, 0.01) then
  137. AParams.AddStrings(['-l', FloatToStrFmt(SkipAngle)]);
  138. if ForcedOutputFormat <> fofNone then
  139. AParams.AddStrings(['-f', FormatIds[ForcedOutputFormat]]);
  140. {$IFDEF DEBUG}
  141. AParams.AddStrings(['-s', 'p']);
  142. {$ENDIF}
  143. AParams.Add(FFiles[AFileIndex]);
  144. end;
  145. procedure TOptions.SaveToIni(Ini: TIniFile);
  146. begin
  147. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionOptions, 'DefaultOutputFileOptions', BoolToStr(DefaultOutputFileOptions, True));
  148. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionOptions, 'OutputFolder', OutputFolder);
  149. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionOptions, 'OutputFileFormat', TEnumUtils<TFileFormat>.EnumToStr(OutputFileFormat));
  150. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionOptions, 'BackgroundColor', ColorToString(BackgroundColor));
  151. Ini.WriteFloat(IniSectionAdvanced, 'MaxAngle', MaxAngle);
  152. Ini.WriteInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'ThresholdLevel', ThresholdLevel);
  153. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'ForcedOutputFormat', TEnumUtils<TForcedOutputFormat>.EnumToStr(ForcedOutputFormat));
  154. Ini.WriteFloat(IniSectionAdvanced, 'SkipAngle', SkipAngle);
  155. Ini.WriteInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'JpegCompressionQuality', JpegCompressionQuality);
  156. Ini.WriteInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'TiffCompressionScheme', TiffCompressionScheme);
  157. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'DefaultExecutable', BoolToStr(DefaultExecutable, True));
  158. Ini.WriteString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'CustomExecutablePath', CustomExecutablePath);
  159. end;
  160. procedure TOptions.LoadFromIni(Ini: TIniFile);
  161. begin
  162. DefaultOutputFileOptions := StrToBoolDef(Ini.ReadString(IniSectionOptions, 'DefaultOutputFileOptions', ''), True);
  163. OutputFolder := Ini.ReadString(IniSectionOptions, 'OutputFolder', '');
  164. OutputFileFormat := TEnumUtils<TFileFormat>.StrToEnum(Ini.ReadString(IniSectionOptions, 'OutputFileFormat', ''));
  165. BackgroundColor := StringToColorDef(Ini.ReadString(IniSectionOptions, 'BackgroundColor', ''), DefaultBackgroundColor);
  166. MaxAngle := Ini.ReadFloat(IniSectionAdvanced, 'MaxAngle', DefaultMaxAngle);
  167. ThresholdLevel := Ini.ReadInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'ThresholdLevel', DefaultThresholdLevel);
  168. ForcedOutputFormat := TEnumUtils<TForcedOutputFormat>.StrToEnum(Ini.ReadString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'ForcedOutputFormat', ''));
  169. SkipAngle := Ini.ReadFloat(IniSectionAdvanced, 'SkipAngle', DefaultSkipAngle);
  170. JpegCompressionQuality := Ini.ReadInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'JpegCompressionQuality', DefaultJpegCompressionQuality);
  171. TiffCompressionScheme := Ini.ReadInteger(IniSectionAdvanced, 'TiffCompressionScheme', DefaultTiffCompressionScheme);
  172. DefaultExecutable := StrToBoolDef(Ini.ReadString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'DefaultExecutable', ''), True);
  173. CustomExecutablePath := Ini.ReadString(IniSectionAdvanced, 'CustomExecutablePath', '');
  174. end;
  175. procedure TOptions.Reset;
  176. begin
  177. DefaultOutputFileOptions := True;
  178. OutputFolder := '';
  179. OutputFileFormat := ffSameAsInput;
  180. BackgroundColor := DefaultBackgroundColor;
  181. MaxAngle := DefaultMaxAngle;
  182. ThresholdLevel := DefaultThresholdLevel;
  183. ForcedOutputFormat := fofNone;
  184. SkipAngle := DefaultSkipAngle;
  185. JpegCompressionQuality := DefaultJpegCompressionQuality;
  186. TiffCompressionScheme := DefaultTiffCompressionScheme;
  187. DefaultExecutable := True;
  188. CustomExecutablePath := '';
  189. end;
  190. end.