Repo for the search and displace ingest module that takes odf, docx and pdf and transforms it into .md to be used with search and displace operations
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3 years ago
  1. unit AdvOptionsForm;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
  5. ExtCtrls, Spin, ActnList, Options, Config;
  6. type
  7. { TFormAdvOptions }
  8. TFormAdvOptions = class(TForm)
  9. ActResetOptions: TAction;
  10. AtcBrowseDeskewExe: TAction;
  11. ActionList: TActionList;
  12. BtnBrowseDeskewExePath: TButton;
  13. BtnResetOptions: TButton;
  14. CheckDefaultExecutable: TCheckBox;
  15. ComboOutputFormat: TComboBox;
  16. EdDeskewExePath: TEdit;
  17. LabDeskewExe: TLabel;
  18. LabTitle: TLabel;
  19. LabForcedFormat: TLabel;
  20. LabMaxAngle: TLabel;
  21. LabSkipAngle: TLabel;
  22. Panel1: TPanel;
  23. SpinEditMaxAngle: TFloatSpinEdit;
  24. SpinEditSkipAngle: TFloatSpinEdit;
  25. procedure ActResetOptionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
  26. procedure AtcBrowseDeskewExeExecute(Sender: TObject);
  27. procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  28. procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
  29. public
  30. procedure ApplyOptions(AOptions: TOptions);
  31. procedure GatherOptions(AOptions: TOptions);
  32. procedure DoIdle;
  33. end;
  34. var
  35. FormAdvOptions: TFormAdvOptions;
  36. implementation
  37. uses
  38. DataModule, MainForm;
  39. {$R *.lfm}
  40. { TFormAdvOptions }
  41. procedure TFormAdvOptions.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  42. begin
  43. ComboOutputFormat.Items.Clear;
  44. ComboOutputFormat.Items.AddObject('Default (usually same as input)', TObject(fofNone));
  45. ComboOutputFormat.Items.AddObject('1bit black and white', TObject(fofBinary1));
  46. ComboOutputFormat.Items.AddObject('8bit grayscale', TObject(fofGray8));
  47. ComboOutputFormat.Items.AddObject('24bit RGB', TObject(fofRgb24));
  48. ComboOutputFormat.Items.AddObject('32bit RGB + opacity', TObject(fofRgba32));
  49. ComboOutputFormat.ItemIndex := 0;
  50. if not Config.ShowDeskewExeOption then
  51. begin
  52. CheckDefaultExecutable.Visible := False;
  53. LabDeskewExe.Visible := False;
  54. EdDeskewExePath.Visible := False;
  55. BtnBrowseDeskewExePath.Visible := False;
  56. Height := EdDeskewExePath.BoundsRect.Bottom;
  57. end;
  58. ApplyOptions(Module.Options);
  59. end;
  60. procedure TFormAdvOptions.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
  61. begin
  62. GatherOptions(Module.Options);
  63. end;
  64. procedure TFormAdvOptions.ApplyOptions(AOptions: TOptions);
  65. begin
  66. CheckDefaultExecutable.Checked := AOptions.DefaultExecutable;
  67. EdDeskewExePath.Text := AOptions.CustomExecutablePath;
  68. EdDeskewExePath.SelStart := Length(EdDeskewExePath.Text);
  69. SpinEditMaxAngle.Value := AOptions.MaxAngle;
  70. SpinEditSkipAngle.Value := AOptions.SkipAngle;
  71. ComboOutputFormat.ItemIndex := Integer(AOptions.ForcedOutputFormat);
  72. end;
  73. procedure TFormAdvOptions.GatherOptions(AOptions: TOptions);
  74. begin
  75. AOptions.MaxAngle := SpinEditMaxAngle.Value;
  76. AOptions.SkipAngle := SpinEditSkipAngle.Value;
  77. AOptions.ForcedOutputFormat := TForcedOutputFormat(PtrUInt(ComboOutputFormat.Items.Objects[ComboOutputFormat.ItemIndex]));
  78. AOptions.DefaultExecutable := CheckDefaultExecutable.Checked;
  79. AOptions.CustomExecutablePath := EdDeskewExePath.Text;
  80. end;
  81. procedure TFormAdvOptions.DoIdle;
  82. begin
  83. AtcBrowseDeskewExe.Enabled := not CheckDefaultExecutable.Checked;
  84. EdDeskewExePath.Enabled := AtcBrowseDeskewExe.Enabled;
  85. end;
  86. procedure TFormAdvOptions.AtcBrowseDeskewExeExecute(Sender: TObject);
  87. begin
  88. Module.OpenDialogSingle.Title := 'Select Deskew Binary Executable';
  89. if Module.OpenDialogSingle.Execute then
  90. begin
  91. EdDeskewExePath.Text := Module.OpenDialogSingle.FileName;
  92. EdDeskewExePath.SelStart := Length(EdDeskewExePath.Text);
  93. end;
  94. end;
  95. procedure TFormAdvOptions.ActResetOptionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
  96. begin
  97. if Dialogs.QuestionDlg('Reset Options', 'Do you really want to reset the options to default?',
  98. mtConfirmation, [mrOk, 'Reset', mrCancel], 0) = mrOk then
  99. begin
  100. Module.Options.Reset;
  101. ApplyOptions(Module.Options);
  102. FormMain.ApplyOptions(Module.Options);
  103. end;
  104. end;
  105. end.