Orzu Ionut
3 years ago
13 changed files with 2310 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
MIT License |
Copyright (c) 2016, Matt Zucker |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all |
copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
page_dewarp |
=========== |
Page dewarping and thresholding using a "cubic sheet" model - see full writeup at <https://mzucker.github.io/2016/08/15/page-dewarping.html> |
Requirements: |
- scipy |
- OpenCV 3.0 or greater |
- Image module from PIL or Pillow |
Usage: |
page_dewarp.py IMAGE1 [IMAGE2 ...] |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
import sympy |
# create a bunch of symbols |
a, b, c, d, x, alpha, beta = sympy.symbols('a b c d x alpha beta') |
# create a polynomial function f(x) |
f = a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d |
# get its derivative f'(x) |
fp = f.diff(x) |
# evaluate both at x=0 and x=1 |
f0 = f.subs(x, 0) |
f1 = f.subs(x, 1) |
fp0 = fp.subs(x, 0) |
fp1 = fp.subs(x, 1) |
# we want a, b, c, d such that the following conditions hold: |
# |
# f(0) = 0 |
# f(1) = 0 |
# f'(0) = alpha |
# f'(1) = beta |
S = sympy.solve([f0, f1, fp0-alpha, fp1-beta], [a, b, c, d]) |
# print the analytic solution and plot a graphical example |
coeffs = [] |
num_alpha = 0.3 |
num_beta = 0.03 |
for key in [a, b, c, d]: |
print(key, '=', S[key]) |
coeffs.append(S[key].subs(dict(alpha=num_alpha, |
beta=num_beta))) |
xvals = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) |
yvals = np.polyval(coeffs, xvals) |
plt.plot(xvals, yvals) |
plt.show() |
@ -0,0 +1,922 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
###################################################################### |
# page_dewarp.py - Proof-of-concept of page-dewarping based on a |
# "cubic sheet" model. Requires OpenCV (version 3 or greater), |
# PIL/Pillow, and scipy.optimize. |
###################################################################### |
# Author: Matt Zucker |
# Date: July 2016 |
# License: MIT License (see LICENSE.txt) |
###################################################################### |
from __future__ import division |
from __future__ import print_function |
from builtins import zip |
from builtins import str |
from builtins import range |
from builtins import object |
from past.utils import old_div |
import os |
import sys |
import datetime |
import cv2 |
from PIL import Image |
import numpy as np |
import scipy.optimize |
# for some reason pylint complains about cv2 members being undefined :( |
# pylint: disable=E1101 |
PAGE_MARGIN_X = 50 # reduced px to ignore near L/R edge |
PAGE_MARGIN_Y = 20 # reduced px to ignore near T/B edge |
OUTPUT_ZOOM = 1.0 # how much to zoom output relative to *original* image |
OUTPUT_DPI = 300 # just affects stated DPI of PNG, not appearance |
REMAP_DECIMATE = 16 # downscaling factor for remapping image |
ADAPTIVE_WINSZ = 55 # window size for adaptive threshold in reduced px |
TEXT_MIN_WIDTH = 15 # min reduced px width of detected text contour |
TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT = 2 # min reduced px height of detected text contour |
TEXT_MIN_ASPECT = 1.5 # filter out text contours below this w/h ratio |
TEXT_MAX_THICKNESS = 10 # max reduced px thickness of detected text contour |
EDGE_MAX_OVERLAP = 1.0 # max reduced px horiz. overlap of contours in span |
EDGE_MAX_LENGTH = 100.0 # max reduced px length of edge connecting contours |
EDGE_ANGLE_COST = 10.0 # cost of angles in edges (tradeoff vs. length) |
EDGE_MAX_ANGLE = 7.5 # maximum change in angle allowed between contours |
RVEC_IDX = slice(0, 3) # index of rvec in params vector |
TVEC_IDX = slice(3, 6) # index of tvec in params vector |
CUBIC_IDX = slice(6, 8) # index of cubic slopes in params vector |
SPAN_MIN_WIDTH = 30 # minimum reduced px width for span |
SPAN_PX_PER_STEP = 20 # reduced px spacing for sampling along spans |
FOCAL_LENGTH = 1.2 # normalized focal length of camera |
DEBUG_LEVEL = 0 # 0=none, 1=some, 2=lots, 3=all |
DEBUG_OUTPUT = 'file' # file, screen, both |
WINDOW_NAME = 'Dewarp' # Window name for visualization |
# nice color palette for visualizing contours, etc. |
(255, 0, 0), |
(255, 63, 0), |
(255, 127, 0), |
(255, 191, 0), |
(255, 255, 0), |
(191, 255, 0), |
(127, 255, 0), |
(63, 255, 0), |
(0, 255, 0), |
(0, 255, 63), |
(0, 255, 127), |
(0, 255, 191), |
(0, 255, 255), |
(0, 191, 255), |
(0, 127, 255), |
(0, 63, 255), |
(0, 0, 255), |
(63, 0, 255), |
(127, 0, 255), |
(191, 0, 255), |
(255, 0, 255), |
(255, 0, 191), |
(255, 0, 127), |
(255, 0, 63), |
] |
# default intrinsic parameter matrix |
K = np.array([ |
[FOCAL_LENGTH, 0, 0], |
[0, FOCAL_LENGTH, 0], |
[0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) |
def debug_show(name, step, text, display): |
if DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'screen': |
filetext = text.replace(' ', '_') |
outfile = name + '_debug_' + str(step) + '_' + filetext + '.png' |
cv2.imwrite(outfile, display) |
if DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'file': |
image = display.copy() |
height = image.shape[0] |
cv2.putText(image, text, (16, height-16), |
(0, 0, 0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.putText(image, text, (16, height-16), |
(255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, image) |
while cv2.waitKey(5) < 0: |
pass |
def round_nearest_multiple(i, factor): |
i = int(i) |
rem = i % factor |
if not rem: |
return i |
else: |
return i + factor - rem |
def pix2norm(shape, pts): |
height, width = shape[:2] |
scl = 2.0/(max(height, width)) |
offset = np.array([width, height], dtype=pts.dtype).reshape((-1, 1, 2))*0.5 |
return (pts - offset) * scl |
def norm2pix(shape, pts, as_integer): |
height, width = shape[:2] |
scl = max(height, width)*0.5 |
offset = np.array([0.5*width, 0.5*height], |
dtype=pts.dtype).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
rval = pts * scl + offset |
if as_integer: |
return (rval + 0.5).astype(int) |
else: |
return rval |
def fltp(point): |
return tuple(point.astype(int).flatten()) |
def draw_correspondences(img, dstpoints, projpts): |
display = img.copy() |
dstpoints = norm2pix(img.shape, dstpoints, True) |
projpts = norm2pix(img.shape, projpts, True) |
for pts, color in [(projpts, (255, 0, 0)), |
(dstpoints, (0, 0, 255))]: |
for point in pts: |
cv2.circle(display, fltp(point), 3, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
for point_a, point_b in zip(projpts, dstpoints): |
cv2.line(display, fltp(point_a), fltp(point_b), |
(255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
return display |
def get_default_params(corners, ycoords, xcoords): |
# page width and height |
page_width = np.linalg.norm(corners[1] - corners[0]) |
page_height = np.linalg.norm(corners[-1] - corners[0]) |
rough_dims = (page_width, page_height) |
# our initial guess for the cubic has no slope |
cubic_slopes = [0.0, 0.0] |
# object points of flat page in 3D coordinates |
corners_object3d = np.array([ |
[0, 0, 0], |
[page_width, 0, 0], |
[page_width, page_height, 0], |
[0, page_height, 0]]) |
# estimate rotation and translation from four 2D-to-3D point |
# correspondences |
_, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(corners_object3d, |
corners, K, np.zeros(5)) |
span_counts = [len(xc) for xc in xcoords] |
params = np.hstack((np.array(rvec).flatten(), |
np.array(tvec).flatten(), |
np.array(cubic_slopes).flatten(), |
ycoords.flatten()) + |
tuple(xcoords)) |
return rough_dims, span_counts, params |
def project_xy(xy_coords, pvec): |
# get cubic polynomial coefficients given |
# |
# f(0) = 0, f'(0) = alpha |
# f(1) = 0, f'(1) = beta |
alpha, beta = tuple(pvec[CUBIC_IDX]) |
poly = np.array([ |
alpha + beta, |
-2*alpha - beta, |
alpha, |
0]) |
xy_coords = xy_coords.reshape((-1, 2)) |
z_coords = np.polyval(poly, xy_coords[:, 0]) |
objpoints = np.hstack((xy_coords, z_coords.reshape((-1, 1)))) |
image_points, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objpoints, |
pvec[RVEC_IDX], |
pvec[TVEC_IDX], |
K, np.zeros(5)) |
return image_points |
def project_keypoints(pvec, keypoint_index): |
xy_coords = pvec[keypoint_index] |
xy_coords[0, :] = 0 |
return project_xy(xy_coords, pvec) |
def resize_to_screen(src, maxw=1280, maxh=700, copy=False): |
height, width = src.shape[:2] |
scl_x = float(width)/maxw |
scl_y = float(height)/maxh |
scl = int(np.ceil(max(scl_x, scl_y))) |
if scl > 1.0: |
inv_scl = 1.0/scl |
img = cv2.resize(src, (0, 0), None, inv_scl, inv_scl, cv2.INTER_AREA) |
elif copy: |
img = src.copy() |
else: |
img = src |
return img |
def box(width, height): |
return np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) |
def get_page_extents(small): |
height, width = small.shape[:2] |
xmin = PAGE_MARGIN_X |
ymin = PAGE_MARGIN_Y |
xmax = width-PAGE_MARGIN_X |
ymax = height-PAGE_MARGIN_Y |
page = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) |
cv2.rectangle(page, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255, 255, 255), -1) |
outline = np.array([ |
[xmin, ymin], |
[xmin, ymax], |
[xmax, ymax], |
[xmax, ymin]]) |
return page, outline |
def get_mask(name, small, pagemask, masktype): |
sgray = cv2.cvtColor(small, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
if masktype == 'text': |
mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(sgray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, |
25) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.1, 'thresholded', mask) |
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, box(9, 1)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.2, 'dilated', mask) |
mask = cv2.erode(mask, box(1, 3)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.3, 'eroded', mask) |
else: |
mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(sgray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, |
7) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.4, 'thresholded', mask) |
mask = cv2.erode(mask, box(3, 1), iterations=3) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.5, 'eroded', mask) |
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, box(8, 2)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.6, 'dilated', mask) |
return np.minimum(mask, pagemask) |
def interval_measure_overlap(int_a, int_b): |
return min(int_a[1], int_b[1]) - max(int_a[0], int_b[0]) |
def angle_dist(angle_b, angle_a): |
diff = angle_b - angle_a |
while diff > np.pi: |
diff -= 2*np.pi |
while diff < -np.pi: |
diff += 2*np.pi |
return np.abs(diff) |
def blob_mean_and_tangent(contour): |
moments = cv2.moments(contour) |
area = moments['m00'] |
mean_x = old_div(moments['m10'], area) |
mean_y = old_div(moments['m01'], area) |
moments_matrix = old_div(np.array([ |
[moments['mu20'], moments['mu11']], |
[moments['mu11'], moments['mu02']] |
]), area) |
_, svd_u, _ = cv2.SVDecomp(moments_matrix) |
center = np.array([mean_x, mean_y]) |
tangent = svd_u[:, 0].flatten().copy() |
return center, tangent |
class ContourInfo(object): |
def __init__(self, contour, rect, mask): |
self.contour = contour |
self.rect = rect |
self.mask = mask |
self.center, self.tangent = blob_mean_and_tangent(contour) |
self.angle = np.arctan2(self.tangent[1], self.tangent[0]) |
clx = [self.proj_x(point) for point in contour] |
lxmin = min(clx) |
lxmax = max(clx) |
self.local_xrng = (lxmin, lxmax) |
self.point0 = self.center + self.tangent * lxmin |
self.point1 = self.center + self.tangent * lxmax |
self.pred = None |
self.succ = None |
def proj_x(self, point): |
return np.dot(self.tangent, point.flatten()-self.center) |
def local_overlap(self, other): |
xmin = self.proj_x(other.point0) |
xmax = self.proj_x(other.point1) |
return interval_measure_overlap(self.local_xrng, (xmin, xmax)) |
def generate_candidate_edge(cinfo_a, cinfo_b): |
# we want a left of b (so a's successor will be b and b's |
# predecessor will be a) make sure right endpoint of b is to the |
# right of left endpoint of a. |
if cinfo_a.point0[0] > cinfo_b.point1[0]: |
tmp = cinfo_a |
cinfo_a = cinfo_b |
cinfo_b = tmp |
x_overlap_a = cinfo_a.local_overlap(cinfo_b) |
x_overlap_b = cinfo_b.local_overlap(cinfo_a) |
overall_tangent = cinfo_b.center - cinfo_a.center |
overall_angle = np.arctan2(overall_tangent[1], overall_tangent[0]) |
delta_angle = old_div(max(angle_dist(cinfo_a.angle, overall_angle), |
angle_dist(cinfo_b.angle, overall_angle)) * 180,np.pi) |
# we want the largest overlap in x to be small |
x_overlap = max(x_overlap_a, x_overlap_b) |
dist = np.linalg.norm(cinfo_b.point0 - cinfo_a.point1) |
if (dist > EDGE_MAX_LENGTH or |
x_overlap > EDGE_MAX_OVERLAP or |
delta_angle > EDGE_MAX_ANGLE): |
return None |
else: |
score = dist + delta_angle*EDGE_ANGLE_COST |
return (score, cinfo_a, cinfo_b) |
def make_tight_mask(contour, xmin, ymin, width, height): |
tight_mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) |
tight_contour = contour - np.array((xmin, ymin)).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
cv2.drawContours(tight_mask, [tight_contour], 0, |
(1, 1, 1), -1) |
return tight_mask |
def get_contours(name, small, pagemask, masktype): |
mask = get_mask(name, small, pagemask, masktype) |
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, |
contours_out = [] |
for contour in contours: |
rect = cv2.boundingRect(contour) |
xmin, ymin, width, height = rect |
if (width < TEXT_MIN_WIDTH or |
height < TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT or |
width < TEXT_MIN_ASPECT*height): |
continue |
tight_mask = make_tight_mask(contour, xmin, ymin, width, height) |
if tight_mask.sum(axis=0).max() > TEXT_MAX_THICKNESS: |
continue |
contours_out.append(ContourInfo(contour, rect, tight_mask)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2: |
visualize_contours(name, small, contours_out) |
return contours_out |
def assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list): |
# sort list |
cinfo_list = sorted(cinfo_list, key=lambda cinfo: cinfo.rect[1]) |
# generate all candidate edges |
candidate_edges = [] |
for i, cinfo_i in enumerate(cinfo_list): |
for j in range(i): |
# note e is of the form (score, left_cinfo, right_cinfo) |
edge = generate_candidate_edge(cinfo_i, cinfo_list[j]) |
if edge is not None: |
candidate_edges.append(edge) |
# sort candidate edges by score (lower is better) |
candidate_edges.sort() |
# for each candidate edge |
for _, cinfo_a, cinfo_b in candidate_edges: |
# if left and right are unassigned, join them |
if cinfo_a.succ is None and cinfo_b.pred is None: |
cinfo_a.succ = cinfo_b |
cinfo_b.pred = cinfo_a |
# generate list of spans as output |
spans = [] |
# until we have removed everything from the list |
while cinfo_list: |
# get the first on the list |
cinfo = cinfo_list[0] |
# keep following predecessors until none exists |
while cinfo.pred: |
cinfo = cinfo.pred |
# start a new span |
cur_span = [] |
width = 0.0 |
# follow successors til end of span |
while cinfo: |
# remove from list (sadly making this loop *also* O(n^2) |
cinfo_list.remove(cinfo) |
# add to span |
cur_span.append(cinfo) |
width += cinfo.local_xrng[1] - cinfo.local_xrng[0] |
# set successor |
cinfo = cinfo.succ |
# add if long enough |
if width > SPAN_MIN_WIDTH: |
spans.append(cur_span) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2: |
visualize_spans(name, small, pagemask, spans) |
return spans |
def sample_spans(shape, spans): |
span_points = [] |
for span in spans: |
contour_points = [] |
for cinfo in span: |
yvals = np.arange(cinfo.mask.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 1)) |
totals = (yvals * cinfo.mask).sum(axis=0) |
means = old_div(totals, cinfo.mask.sum(axis=0)) |
xmin, ymin = cinfo.rect[:2] |
start = old_div(((len(means)-1) % step), 2) |
contour_points += [(x+xmin, means[x]+ymin) |
for x in range(start, len(means), step)] |
contour_points = np.array(contour_points, |
dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
contour_points = pix2norm(shape, contour_points) |
span_points.append(contour_points) |
return span_points |
def keypoints_from_samples(name, small, pagemask, page_outline, |
span_points): |
all_evecs = np.array([[0.0, 0.0]]) |
all_weights = 0 |
for points in span_points: |
_, evec = cv2.PCACompute(points.reshape((-1, 2)), |
None, maxComponents=1) |
weight = np.linalg.norm(points[-1] - points[0]) |
all_evecs += evec * weight |
all_weights += weight |
evec = old_div(all_evecs, all_weights) |
x_dir = evec.flatten() |
if x_dir[0] < 0: |
x_dir = -x_dir |
y_dir = np.array([-x_dir[1], x_dir[0]]) |
pagecoords = cv2.convexHull(page_outline) |
pagecoords = pix2norm(pagemask.shape, pagecoords.reshape((-1, 1, 2))) |
pagecoords = pagecoords.reshape((-1, 2)) |
px_coords = np.dot(pagecoords, x_dir) |
py_coords = np.dot(pagecoords, y_dir) |
px0 = px_coords.min() |
px1 = px_coords.max() |
py0 = py_coords.min() |
py1 = py_coords.max() |
p00 = px0 * x_dir + py0 * y_dir |
p10 = px1 * x_dir + py0 * y_dir |
p11 = px1 * x_dir + py1 * y_dir |
p01 = px0 * x_dir + py1 * y_dir |
corners = np.vstack((p00, p10, p11, p01)).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
ycoords = [] |
xcoords = [] |
for points in span_points: |
pts = points.reshape((-1, 2)) |
px_coords = np.dot(pts, x_dir) |
py_coords = np.dot(pts, y_dir) |
ycoords.append(py_coords.mean() - py0) |
xcoords.append(px_coords - px0) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2: |
visualize_span_points(name, small, span_points, corners) |
return corners, np.array(ycoords), xcoords |
def visualize_contours(name, small, cinfo_list): |
regions = np.zeros_like(small) |
for j, cinfo in enumerate(cinfo_list): |
cv2.drawContours(regions, [cinfo.contour], 0, |
CCOLORS[j % len(CCOLORS)], -1) |
mask = (regions.max(axis=2) != 0) |
display = small.copy() |
display[mask] = (old_div(display[mask],2)) + (old_div(regions[mask],2)) |
for j, cinfo in enumerate(cinfo_list): |
color = CCOLORS[j % len(CCOLORS)] |
color = tuple([old_div(c,4) for c in color]) |
cv2.circle(display, fltp(cinfo.center), 3, |
(255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.line(display, fltp(cinfo.point0), fltp(cinfo.point1), |
(255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show(name, 1, 'contours', display) |
def visualize_spans(name, small, pagemask, spans): |
regions = np.zeros_like(small) |
for i, span in enumerate(spans): |
contours = [cinfo.contour for cinfo in span] |
cv2.drawContours(regions, contours, -1, |
CCOLORS[i*3 % len(CCOLORS)], -1) |
mask = (regions.max(axis=2) != 0) |
display = small.copy() |
display[mask] = (old_div(display[mask],2)) + (old_div(regions[mask],2)) |
display[pagemask == 0] //= 4 |
debug_show(name, 2, 'spans', display) |
def visualize_span_points(name, small, span_points, corners): |
display = small.copy() |
for i, points in enumerate(span_points): |
points = norm2pix(small.shape, points, False) |
mean, small_evec = cv2.PCACompute(points.reshape((-1, 2)), |
None, |
maxComponents=1) |
dps = np.dot(points.reshape((-1, 2)), small_evec.reshape((2, 1))) |
dpm = np.dot(mean.flatten(), small_evec.flatten()) |
point0 = mean + small_evec * (dps.min()-dpm) |
point1 = mean + small_evec * (dps.max()-dpm) |
for point in points: |
cv2.circle(display, fltp(point), 3, |
CCOLORS[i % len(CCOLORS)], -1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.line(display, fltp(point0), fltp(point1), |
(255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.polylines(display, [norm2pix(small.shape, corners, True)], |
True, (255, 255, 255)) |
debug_show(name, 3, 'span points', display) |
def imgsize(img): |
height, width = img.shape[:2] |
return '{}x{}'.format(width, height) |
def make_keypoint_index(span_counts): |
nspans = len(span_counts) |
npts = sum(span_counts) |
keypoint_index = np.zeros((npts+1, 2), dtype=int) |
start = 1 |
for i, count in enumerate(span_counts): |
end = start + count |
keypoint_index[start:start+end, 1] = 8+i |
start = end |
keypoint_index[1:, 0] = np.arange(npts) + 8 + nspans |
return keypoint_index |
def optimize_params(name, small, dstpoints, span_counts, params): |
keypoint_index = make_keypoint_index(span_counts) |
def objective(pvec): |
ppts = project_keypoints(pvec, keypoint_index) |
return np.sum((dstpoints - ppts)**2) |
print(' initial objective is', objective(params)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1: |
projpts = project_keypoints(params, keypoint_index) |
display = draw_correspondences(small, dstpoints, projpts) |
debug_show(name, 4, 'keypoints before', display) |
print(' optimizing', len(params), 'parameters...') |
start = datetime.datetime.now() |
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, params, |
method='Powell') |
end = datetime.datetime.now() |
print(' optimization took', round((end-start).total_seconds(), 2), 'sec.') |
print(' final objective is', res.fun) |
params = res.x |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1: |
projpts = project_keypoints(params, keypoint_index) |
display = draw_correspondences(small, dstpoints, projpts) |
debug_show(name, 5, 'keypoints after', display) |
return params |
def get_page_dims(corners, rough_dims, params): |
dst_br = corners[2].flatten() |
dims = np.array(rough_dims) |
def objective(dims): |
proj_br = project_xy(dims, params) |
return np.sum((dst_br - proj_br.flatten())**2) |
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, dims, method='Powell') |
dims = res.x |
print(' got page dims', dims[0], 'x', dims[1]) |
return dims |
def remap_image(name, img, small, page_dims, params): |
height = 0.5 * page_dims[1] * OUTPUT_ZOOM * img.shape[0] |
height = round_nearest_multiple(height, REMAP_DECIMATE) |
width = round_nearest_multiple(old_div(height * page_dims[0], page_dims[1]), |
print(' output will be {}x{}'.format(width, height)) |
height_small = old_div(height, REMAP_DECIMATE) |
width_small = old_div(width, REMAP_DECIMATE) |
page_x_range = np.linspace(0, page_dims[0], width_small) |
page_y_range = np.linspace(0, page_dims[1], height_small) |
page_x_coords, page_y_coords = np.meshgrid(page_x_range, page_y_range) |
page_xy_coords = np.hstack((page_x_coords.flatten().reshape((-1, 1)), |
page_y_coords.flatten().reshape((-1, 1)))) |
page_xy_coords = page_xy_coords.astype(np.float32) |
image_points = project_xy(page_xy_coords, params) |
image_points = norm2pix(img.shape, image_points, False) |
image_x_coords = image_points[:, 0, 0].reshape(page_x_coords.shape) |
image_y_coords = image_points[:, 0, 1].reshape(page_y_coords.shape) |
image_x_coords = cv2.resize(image_x_coords, (width, height), |
interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
image_y_coords = cv2.resize(image_y_coords, (width, height), |
interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
remapped = cv2.remap(img_gray, image_x_coords, image_y_coords, |
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(remapped, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, |
pil_image = Image.fromarray(thresh) |
pil_image = pil_image.convert('1') |
threshfile = name + '_thresh.png' |
pil_image.save(threshfile, dpi=(OUTPUT_DPI, OUTPUT_DPI)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1: |
height = small.shape[0] |
width = int(round(height * float(thresh.shape[1])/thresh.shape[0])) |
display = cv2.resize(thresh, (width, height), |
interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) |
debug_show(name, 6, 'output', display) |
return threshfile |
def main(): |
if len(sys.argv) < 2: |
print('usage:', sys.argv[0], 'IMAGE1 [IMAGE2 ...]') |
sys.exit(0) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 and DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'file': |
cv2.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME) |
outfiles = [] |
for imgfile in sys.argv[1:]: |
img = cv2.imread(imgfile) |
small = resize_to_screen(img) |
basename = os.path.basename(imgfile) |
name, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) |
print('loaded', basename, 'with size', imgsize(img), end=' ') |
print('and resized to', imgsize(small)) |
if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3: |
debug_show(name, 0.0, 'original', small) |
pagemask, page_outline = get_page_extents(small) |
cinfo_list = get_contours(name, small, pagemask, 'text') |
spans = assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list) |
if len(spans) < 3: |
print(' detecting lines because only', len(spans), 'text spans') |
cinfo_list = get_contours(name, small, pagemask, 'line') |
spans2 = assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list) |
if len(spans2) > len(spans): |
spans = spans2 |
if len(spans) < 1: |
print('skipping', name, 'because only', len(spans), 'spans') |
continue |
span_points = sample_spans(small.shape, spans) |
print(' got', len(spans), 'spans', end=' ') |
print('with', sum([len(pts) for pts in span_points]), 'points.') |
corners, ycoords, xcoords = keypoints_from_samples(name, small, |
pagemask, |
page_outline, |
span_points) |
rough_dims, span_counts, params = get_default_params(corners, |
ycoords, xcoords) |
dstpoints = np.vstack((corners[0].reshape((1, 1, 2)),) + |
tuple(span_points)) |
params = optimize_params(name, small, |
dstpoints, |
span_counts, params) |
page_dims = get_page_dims(corners, rough_dims, params) |
outfile = remap_image(name, img, small, page_dims, params) |
outfiles.append(outfile) |
print(' wrote', outfile) |
print() |
print('to convert to PDF (requires ImageMagick):') |
print(' convert -compress Group4 ' + ' '.join(outfiles) + ' output.pdf') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
numpy |
scipy |
Pillow |
opencv-python |
future |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
Subproject commit 734d21ad596000cff276ccaf118954362b5eb37e |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
The following license agreement applies to ellipse.py and rectify_ellipse.py; |
also see the licensing information at the top of moments_from_contour.py. |
MIT License |
Copyright (c) 2016, Matt Zucker |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all |
copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
# unproject_text |
Perspective recovery of text using transformed ellipses. See full writeup at <https://mzucker.github.io/2016/10/11/unprojecting-text-with-ellipses.html> |
# Requirements |
- Python 2 or 3 |
- NumPy |
- SciPy |
- cv2 (from OpenCV 3.0 or later) |
- matplotlib |
# Usage |
Try running |
python unproject_text.py deskew0.jpg |
@ -0,0 +1,630 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
'''Functions for representing ellipses using various |
parameterizations, and converting between them. There are three |
parameterizations implemented by this module: |
Geometric parameters: |
--------------------- |
The geometric parameters are |
(x₀, y₀, a, b, θ) |
The most simple parameterization of an ellipse is by its center point |
(x0, y0), its semimajor and semiminor axes a and b, and its rotation |
angle θ. |
Conic: |
------ |
This parameterization consists of six parameters A-F which establish |
the implicit equation for a general conic: |
AX² + BXY + CY² + DX + EY + F = 0 |
Note that this equation may not represent only ellipses (it also |
includes hyperbolas and parabolas). |
Since multiplying the entire equation by any non-zero constant results |
in the same ellipse, the six parameters are only described up to |
scale, yielding five degrees of freedom. We can determine a canonical |
scale factor k to scale this equation by such that |
A = a²(sin θ)² + b²(cos θ)² |
B = 2(b² - a²) sin θ cos θ |
C = a²(cos θ)² + b²(sin θ)² |
D = -2Ax₀ - By₀ |
E = -Bx₀ - 2Cy₀ |
F = Ax₀² + Bx₀y₀ + Cy₀² - a²b² |
...in terms of the geometric parameters (x₀, y₀, a, b, θ). |
Shape moments: |
-------------- |
The shape moment parameters are |
(m₀₀, m₁₀, m₀₁, mu₂₀, mu₁₁, mu₀₂) |
An ellipse may be completely specified by its shape moments up to |
order 2. These include the area m₀₀, area-weighted center (m₁₀, m₀₁), |
and the three second order central moments (mu₂₀, mu₁₁, mu₀₂). |
''' |
# pylint: disable=C0103 |
# pylint: disable=R0914 |
# pylint: disable=E1101 |
from __future__ import print_function |
import numpy |
def _params_str(names, params): |
'''Helper function for printing out the various parameters.''' |
return '({})'.format(', '.join('{}: {:g}'.format(n, p) |
for (n, p) in zip(names, params))) |
###################################################################### |
GPARAMS_NAMES = ('x0', 'y0', 'a', 'b', 'theta') |
GPARAMS_DISPLAY_NAMES = ('x₀', 'y₀', 'a', 'b', 'θ') |
def gparams_str(gparams): |
'''Convert geometric parameters to nice printable string.''' |
return _params_str(GPARAMS_DISPLAY_NAMES, gparams) |
def gparams_evaluate(gparams, phi): |
'''Evaluate the parametric formula for an ellipse at each angle |
specified in the phi array. Returns two arrays x and y of the same |
size as phi. |
''' |
x0, y0, a, b, theta = tuple(gparams) |
c = numpy.cos(theta) |
s = numpy.sin(theta) |
cp = numpy.cos(phi) |
sp = numpy.sin(phi) |
x = a*cp*c - b*sp*s + x0 |
y = a*cp*s + b*sp*c + y0 |
return x, y |
def gparams_from_conic(conic): |
'''Convert the given conic parameters to geometric ellipse parameters.''' |
k, ab = conic_scale(conic) |
if numpy.isinf(ab): |
return None |
A, B, C, D, E, F = tuple(conic) |
T = B**2 - 4*A*C |
x0 = (2*C*D - B*E)/T |
y0 = (2*A*E - B*D)/T |
S = A*E**2 + C*D**2 - B*D*E + (B**2 - 4*A*C)*F |
U = numpy.sqrt((A - C)**2 + B**2) |
a = -numpy.sqrt(2*S*(A+C+U))/T |
b = -numpy.sqrt(2*S*(A+C-U))/T |
theta = numpy.arctan2(C-A-U, B) |
return numpy.array((x0, y0, a, b, theta)) |
def _gparams_sincos_from_moments(m): |
'''Convert from moments to canonical parameters, except postpone the |
final arctan until later. Formulas determined largely by trial and |
error. |
''' |
m00, m10, m01, mu20, mu11, mu02 = tuple(m) |
x0 = m10 / m00 |
y0 = m01 / m00 |
A = 4*mu02/m00 |
B = -8*mu11/m00 |
C = 4*mu20/m00 |
U = numpy.sqrt((A - C)**2 + B**2) |
T = B**2 - 4*A*C |
S = 1.0 |
a = -numpy.sqrt(2*S*(A+C+U))/T |
b = -numpy.sqrt(2*S*(A+C-U))/T |
# we want a * b * pi = m00 |
# |
# so if we are off by some factor, we should scale a and b by this factor |
# |
# we need to fix things up somehow because moments have 6 DOF and |
# ellipse has only 5. |
area = numpy.pi * a * b |
scl = numpy.sqrt(m00 / area) |
a *= scl |
b *= scl |
sincos = numpy.array([C-A-U, B]) |
sincos /= numpy.linalg.norm(sincos) |
s, c = sincos |
return numpy.array((x0, y0, a, b, s, c)) |
def gparams_from_moments(m): |
'''Convert the given moment parameters to geometric ellipse parameters. |
Formula derived through trial and error.''' |
x0, y0, a, b, s, c = _gparams_sincos_from_moments(m) |
theta = numpy.arctan2(s, c) |
return numpy.array((x0, y0, a, b, theta)) |
###################################################################### |
CONIC_NAMES = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F') |
CONIC_DISPLAY_NAMES = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F') |
def conic_str(conic): |
'''Convert conic parameters to nice printable string.''' |
return _params_str(CONIC_DISPLAY_NAMES, conic) |
def conic_scale(conic): |
'''Returns a pair (k, ab) for the given conic parameters, where k is |
the scale factor to divide all parameters by in order to normalize |
them, and ab is the product of the semimajor and semiminor axis |
(i.e. the ellipse's area, divided by pi). If the conic does not |
describe an ellipse, then this returns infinity, infinity. |
''' |
A, B, C, D, E, F = tuple(conic) |
T = 4*A*C - B*B |
if T < 0.0: |
return numpy.inf, numpy.inf |
S = A*E**2 + B**2*F + C*D**2 - B*D*E - 4*A*C*F |
if not S: |
return numpy.inf, numpy.inf |
k = 0.25*T**2/S |
ab = 2.0*S/(T*numpy.sqrt(T)) |
return k, ab |
def conic_from_points(x, y): |
'''Fits conic pararameters using homogeneous least squares. The |
resulting fit is unlikely to be numerically robust when the x/y |
coordinates given are far from the [-1,1] interval.''' |
x = x.reshape((-1, 1)) |
y = y.reshape((-1, 1)) |
M = numpy.hstack((x**2, x*y, y**2, x, y, numpy.ones_like(x))) |
_, _, v = numpy.linalg.svd(M) |
return v[5, :].copy() |
def conic_transform(conic, H): |
'''Returns the parameters of a conic after being transformed through a |
3x3 homography H. This is straightforward since a conic can be |
represented as a symmetric matrix (see |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_representation_of_conic_sections). |
''' |
A, B, C, D, E, F = tuple(conic) |
M = numpy.array([[A, 0.5*B, 0.5*D], |
[0.5*B, C, 0.5*E], |
[0.5*D, 0.5*E, F]]) |
Hinv = numpy.linalg.inv(H) |
M = numpy.dot(Hinv.T, numpy.dot(M, Hinv)) |
A = M[0, 0] |
B = M[0, 1]*2 |
C = M[1, 1] |
D = M[0, 2]*2 |
E = M[1, 2]*2 |
F = M[2, 2] |
return numpy.array((A, B, C, D, E, F)) |
def _conic_from_gparams_sincos(gparams_sincos): |
x0, y0, a, b, s, c = gparams_sincos |
A = a**2 * s**2 + b**2 * c**2 |
B = 2*(b**2 - a**2) * s * c |
C = a**2 * c**2 + b**2 * s**2 |
D = -2*A*x0 - B*y0 |
E = -B*x0 - 2*C*y0 |
F = A*x0**2 + B*x0*y0 + C*y0**2 - a**2*b**2 |
return numpy.array((A, B, C, D, E, F)) |
def conic_from_gparams(gparams): |
'''Convert geometric parameters to conic parameters. Formulas from |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse#General_ellipse. |
''' |
x0, y0, a, b, theta = tuple(gparams) |
c = numpy.cos(theta) |
s = numpy.sin(theta) |
return _conic_from_gparams_sincos((x0, y0, a, b, s, c)) |
def conic_from_moments(moments): |
g = _gparams_sincos_from_moments(moments) |
return _conic_from_gparams_sincos(g) |
###################################################################### |
MOMENTS_NAMES = ('m00', 'm10', 'm01', 'mu20', 'mu11', 'mu02') |
MOMENTS_DISPLAY_NAMES = ('m₀₀', 'm₁₀', 'm₀₁', 'mu₂₀', 'mu₁₁', 'mu₀₂') |
def moments_from_dict(m): |
'''Create shape moments tuple from a dictionary (i.e. returned by cv2.moments).''' |
return numpy.array([m[n] for n in MOMENTS_NAMES]) |
def moments_str(m): |
'''Convert shape moments to nice printable string.''' |
return _params_str(MOMENTS_DISPLAY_NAMES, m) |
def moments_from_gparams(gparams): |
'''Create shape moments from geometric parameters.''' |
x0, y0, a, b, theta = tuple(gparams) |
c = numpy.cos(theta) |
s = numpy.sin(theta) |
m00 = a*b*numpy.pi |
m10 = x0 * m00 |
m01 = y0 * m00 |
mu20 = (a**2 * c**2 + b**2 * s**2) * m00 * 0.25 |
mu11 = -(b**2-a**2) * s * c * m00 * 0.25 |
mu02 = (a**2 * s**2 + b**2 * c**2) * m00 * 0.25 |
return numpy.array((m00, m10, m01, mu20, mu11, mu02)) |
def moments_from_conic(scaled_conic): |
'''Create shape moments from conic parameters.''' |
k, ab = conic_scale(scaled_conic) |
if numpy.isinf(ab): |
return None |
conic = numpy.array(scaled_conic)/k |
A, B, C, D, E, _ = tuple(conic) |
x0 = (B*E - 2*C*D)/(4*A*C - B**2) |
y0 = (-2*A*E + B*D)/(4*A*C - B**2) |
m00 = numpy.pi*ab |
m10 = x0*m00 |
m01 = y0*m00 |
mu20 = 0.25*C*m00 |
mu11 = -0.125*B*m00 |
mu02 = 0.25*A*m00 |
return numpy.array((m00, m10, m01, mu20, mu11, mu02)) |
###################################################################### |
def _perspective_transform(pts, H): |
'''Used for testing only.''' |
assert len(pts.shape) == 3 |
assert pts.shape[1:] == (1, 2) |
pts = numpy.hstack((pts.reshape((-1, 2)), |
numpy.ones((len(pts), 1), dtype=pts.dtype))) |
pts = numpy.dot(pts, H.T) |
pts = pts[:, :2] / pts[:, 2].reshape((-1, 1)) |
return pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
def _test_moments(): |
# so I just realized that moments have actually 6 DOF but all |
# ellipse parameterizations have 5, therefore information is lost |
# when going back and forth. |
m = numpy.array([59495.5, 5.9232e+07, 1.84847e+07, 3.34079e+08, -1.94055e+08, 3.74633e+08]) |
gp = gparams_from_moments(m) |
m2 = moments_from_gparams(gp) |
gp2 = gparams_from_moments(m2) |
c = conic_from_moments(m) |
m3 = moments_from_conic(c) |
assert numpy.allclose(gp, gp2) |
assert numpy.allclose(m2, m3) |
print('here is the first thing:') |
print(' {}'.format(moments_str(m))) |
print() |
print('the rest should all be equal pairs:') |
print(' {}'.format(moments_str(m2))) |
print(' {}'.format(moments_str(m3))) |
print() |
print(' {}'.format(gparams_str(gp))) |
print(' {}'.format(gparams_str(gp2))) |
print() |
def _test_ellipse(): |
print('testing moments badness') |
_test_moments() |
print('pass') |
# test that we can go from conic to geometric and back |
x0 = 450 |
y0 = 320 |
a = 300 |
b = 200 |
theta = -0.25 |
gparams = numpy.array((x0, y0, a, b, theta)) |
conic = conic_from_gparams(gparams) |
k, ab = conic_scale(conic) |
# ensure conic created from geometric params has trivial scale |
assert numpy.allclose((k, ab), (1.0, a*b)) |
# evaluate parametric curve at different angles phi |
phi = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, 1001).reshape((-1, 1)) |
x, y = gparams_evaluate(gparams, phi) |
# evaluate implicit conic formula at x,y pairs |
M = numpy.hstack((x**2, x*y, y**2, x, y, numpy.ones_like(x))) |
implicit_output = numpy.dot(M, conic) |
implicit_max = numpy.abs(implicit_output).max() |
# ensure implicit evaluates near 0 everywhere |
print('max item from implicit: {} (should be close to 0)'.format(implicit_max)) |
print() |
assert implicit_max < 1e-5 |
# ensure that scaled_conic has the scale we expect |
k = 1e-3 |
scaled_conic = conic*k |
k2, ab2 = conic_scale(scaled_conic) |
print('these should all be equal:') |
print() |
print(' k =', k) |
print(' k2 =', k2) |
assert numpy.allclose((k2, ab2), (k, a*b)) |
print() |
# convert the scaled conic back to geometric parameters |
gparams2 = gparams_from_conic(scaled_conic) |
print(' gparams =', gparams_str(gparams)) |
# ensure that converting back from scaled conic to geometric params is correct |
print(' gparams2 =', gparams_str(gparams2)) |
assert numpy.allclose(gparams, gparams2) |
# convert original geometric parameters to moments |
m = moments_from_gparams(gparams) |
# ...and back |
gparams3 = gparams_from_moments(m) |
# ensure that converting back from moments to geometric params is correct |
print(' gparams3 =', gparams_str(gparams3)) |
print() |
assert numpy.allclose(gparams, gparams3) |
# convert moments parameterization to conic |
conic2 = conic_from_moments(m) |
# ensure that converting from moments to conics is correct |
print(' conic =', conic_str(conic)) |
print(' conic2 =', conic_str(conic2)) |
assert numpy.allclose(conic, conic2) |
# create conic from homogeneous least squares fit of points |
skip = len(x) / 10 |
conic3 = conic_from_points(x[::skip], y[::skip]) |
# ensure that it has non-infinite area |
k3, ab3 = conic_scale(conic3) |
assert not numpy.isinf(ab3) |
# normalize |
conic3 /= k3 |
# ensure that conic from HLS fit is same as other 2 |
print(' conic3 =', conic_str(conic3)) |
print() |
assert numpy.allclose(conic, conic3) |
# convert from conic to moments |
m2 = moments_from_conic(scaled_conic) |
print(' m =', moments_str(m)) |
# ensure that conics->moments yields the same result as geometric |
# params -> moments. |
print(' m2 =', moments_str(m2)) |
assert numpy.allclose(m, m2) |
from moments_from_contour import moments_from_contour |
# create moments from contour |
pts = numpy.hstack((x, y)).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) |
m3 = moments_from_contour(pts) |
# ensure that moments from contour is reasonably close to moments |
# from geometric params. |
print(' m3 =', moments_str(m3)) |
print() |
assert numpy.allclose(m3, m, 1e-4, 1e-4) |
# create a homography H to map the ellipse through |
hx = 0.001 |
hy = 0.0015 |
H = numpy.array([ |
[1, -0.2, 0], |
[0, 0.7, 0], |
[hx, hy, 1]]) |
T = numpy.array([ |
[1, 0, 400], |
[0, 1, 300], |
[0, 0, 1]]) |
H = numpy.dot(T, numpy.dot(H, numpy.linalg.inv(T))) |
# transform the original points thru H |
Hpts = _perspective_transform(pts, H) |
# transform the conic parameters directly thru H |
Hconic = conic_transform(conic, H) |
# get the HLS fit of the conic corresponding to the transformed points |
Hconic2 = conic_from_points(Hpts[::skip, :, 0], Hpts[::skip, :, 1]) |
# normalize the two conics |
Hk, Hab = conic_scale(Hconic) |
Hk2, Hab2 = conic_scale(Hconic2) |
assert not numpy.isinf(Hab) and not numpy.isinf(Hab2) |
Hconic /= Hk |
Hconic2 /= Hk2 |
# ensure that the two conics are equal |
print(' Hconic =', conic_str(Hconic)) |
print(' Hconic2 =', conic_str(Hconic2)) |
print() |
assert numpy.allclose(Hconic, Hconic2) |
# get the moments from Hconic |
Hm = moments_from_conic(Hconic) |
# get the moments from the transformed points |
Hm2 = moments_from_contour(Hpts) |
# ensure that the two moments are close enough |
print(' Hm =', moments_str(Hm)) |
print(' Hm2 =', moments_str(Hm2)) |
print() |
assert numpy.allclose(Hm, Hm2, 1e-4, 1e-4) |
# tests complete, now visualize |
print('all tests passed!') |
try: |
import cv2 |
print('visualizing results...') |
except ImportError: |
import sys |
print('not visualizing results since module cv2 not found') |
sys.exit(0) |
shift = 3 |
pow2 = 2**shift |
p0 = numpy.array([x0, y0], dtype=numpy.float32) |
p1 = _perspective_transform(p0.reshape((-1, 1, 2)), H).flatten() |
Hgparams = gparams_from_conic(Hconic) |
Hp0 = Hgparams[:2] |
skip = len(pts)/100 |
display = numpy.zeros((600, 800, 3), numpy.uint8) |
def _asint(x, as_tuple=True): |
x = x*pow2 + 0.5 |
x = x.astype(int) |
if as_tuple: |
return tuple(x) |
else: |
return x |
for (a, b) in zip(pts.reshape((-1, 2))[::skip], |
Hpts.reshape((-1, 2))[::skip]): |
cv2.line(display, _asint(a), _asint(b), |
(255, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
cv2.polylines(display, [_asint(pts, False)], True, |
(0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
cv2.polylines(display, [_asint(Hpts, False)], True, |
(0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
r = 3.0 |
cv2.circle(display, _asint(p0), int(r*pow2+0.5), |
(0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
cv2.circle(display, _asint(p1), int(r*pow2+0.5), |
(255, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
cv2.circle(display, _asint(Hp0), int(r*pow2+0.5), |
(0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, shift) |
cv2.imshow('win', display) |
print('click in the display window & hit any key to quit.') |
while cv2.waitKey(5) < 0: |
pass |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
_test_ellipse() |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
'''The function below is ported from the OpenCV project's |
contourMoments function in opencv/modules/imgproc/src/moments.cpp, |
licensed as follows: |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to |
this license. If you do not agree to this license, do not download, |
install, copy or use the software. |
License Agreement |
For Open Source Computer Vision Library |
(3-clause BSD License) |
Copyright (C) 2000-2016, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2009-2011, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2009-2016, NVIDIA Corporation, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2015-2016, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Itseez Inc., all rights reserved. |
Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in |
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the |
distribution. |
* Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of the |
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived |
from this software without specific prior written permission. |
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors |
"as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not |
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for |
a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall copyright |
holders or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, |
incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, |
but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss |
of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and |
on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or |
tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the |
use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such |
damage. |
''' |
def moments_from_contour(xypoints): |
'''Create shape moments from points sampled from the outline of an |
ellipse (note this is numerically inaccurate even for arrays of 1000s |
of points). Included in this project primarily for testing purposes. |
''' |
assert len(xypoints.shape) == 3 |
assert xypoints.shape[1:] == (1, 2) |
xypoints = xypoints.reshape((-1, 2)) |
a00 = 0 |
a10 = 0 |
a01 = 0 |
a20 = 0 |
a11 = 0 |
a02 = 0 |
xi_1, yi_1 = xypoints[-1] |
for xy in xypoints: |
xi, yi = xy |
xi2 = xi * xi |
yi2 = yi * yi |
dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1 |
xii_1 = xi_1 + xi |
yii_1 = yi_1 + yi |
a00 += dxy |
a10 += dxy * xii_1 |
a01 += dxy * yii_1 |
a20 += dxy * (xi_1 * xii_1 + xi2) |
a11 += dxy * (xi_1 * (yii_1 + yi_1) + xi * (yii_1 + yi)) |
a02 += dxy * (yi_1 * yii_1 + yi2) |
xi_1 = xi |
yi_1 = yi |
if a00 > 0: |
db1_2 = 0.5 |
db1_6 = 0.16666666666666666666666666666667 |
db1_12 = 0.083333333333333333333333333333333 |
db1_24 = 0.041666666666666666666666666666667 |
else: |
db1_2 = -0.5 |
db1_6 = -0.16666666666666666666666666666667 |
db1_12 = -0.083333333333333333333333333333333 |
db1_24 = -0.041666666666666666666666666666667 |
m00 = a00 * db1_2 |
m10 = a10 * db1_6 |
m01 = a01 * db1_6 |
m20 = a20 * db1_12 |
m11 = a11 * db1_24 |
m02 = a02 * db1_12 |
inv_m00 = 1. / m00 |
cx = m10 * inv_m00 |
cy = m01 * inv_m00 |
mu20 = m20 - m10 * cx |
mu11 = m11 - m10 * cy |
mu02 = m02 - m01 * cy |
return m00, m10, m01, mu20, mu11, mu02 |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
unproject_text |
cv2 |
numpy |
scipy |
matplotlib |
@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function |
import sys |
import numpy as np |
import scipy.optimize |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import cv2 |
import ellipse |
def debug_show(name, src): |
filename = 'debug{:02d}_{}.png'.format(len(DEBUG_IMAGES), name) |
cv2.imwrite(filename, src) |
h, w = src.shape[:2] |
fx = w/1280.0 |
fy = h/700.0 |
f = 1.0/np.ceil(max(fx, fy)) |
if f < 1.0: |
img = cv2.resize(src, (0, 0), None, f, f, cv2.INTER_AREA) |
else: |
img = src.copy() |
DEBUG_IMAGES.append(img) |
def translation(x, y): |
return np.array([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float) |
def rotation(theta): |
c = np.cos(theta) |
s = np.sin(theta) |
return np.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float) |
def perspective_warp(a, b): |
return np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [a, b, 1]], dtype=float) |
def slant(sx): |
return np.array([[1, sx, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float) |
def softmax(x, k=1.0): |
b = x.max() |
return np.log( np.exp(k*(x-b)).sum() ) / k + b |
def skewed_widths(contours, H): |
xvals = [] |
for c in contours: |
pts = cv2.perspectiveTransform(c, H) |
x = pts[:,:,0] |
xvals.append( x.max() - x.min() ) |
xvals = np.array(xvals) |
return softmax(xvals, 0.1) |
def centered_warp(u0, v0, a, b): |
return np.dot(translation(u0, v0), |
np.dot(perspective_warp(a, b), |
translation(-u0, -v0))) |
def warp_containing_points(img, pts, H, border=4, shape_only=False): |
''' |
display = img.copy() |
for pt in pts.reshape((-1,2)).astype(int): |
cv2.circle(display, tuple(pt), 4, (255, 0, 0), |
-1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('warp', display) |
''' |
pts2 = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, H) |
x0, y0, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(pts2) |
print('got bounding rect', x0, y0, w, h) |
T = translation(-x0+border, -y0+border) |
TH = np.dot(T, H) |
if shape_only: |
return (h+2*border, w+2*border), TH |
else: |
dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img, TH, (w+2*border, h+2*border), |
borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) |
return dst, TH |
def conic_area_discrepancy(conics, x, H, opt_results=None): |
areas = [] |
for conic in conics: |
cx = ellipse.conic_transform(conic, H) |
k, ab = ellipse.conic_scale(cx) |
if np.isinf(ab): |
areas.append(1e20) |
else: |
areas.append(ab) |
areas = np.array(areas) |
areas /= areas.mean() # rescale so mean is 1.0 |
areas -= 1 # subtract off mean |
rval = 0.5*np.dot(areas, areas) |
if opt_results is not None: |
if not opt_results or rval < opt_results[-1][-1]: |
opt_results.append( (x, H, rval) ) |
return rval |
def threshold(img): |
if len(img.shape) > 2: |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
mean = img.mean() |
if mean < 100: |
img = 255-img |
return cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, |
cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 101, 21) |
def get_contours(img): |
work = threshold(img) |
debug_show('threshold', work) |
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(work, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, |
return contours, hierarchy |
def get_conics(img, contours, hierarchy, |
abs_area_cutoff=0.0001, mean_area_cutoff=0.15): |
hierarchy = hierarchy.reshape((-1, 4)) |
conics = [] |
used_contours = [] |
areas = [] |
okcontours = [] |
allchildren = [] |
pts = np.empty((0,1,2), dtype='float32') |
centroid_accum = np.zeros(2) |
total_area = 0.0 |
centroids = [] |
abs_area_cutoff *= img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] |
print('abs_area_cutoff = ',abs_area_cutoff) |
for i, (c, h) in enumerate(zip(contours, hierarchy.reshape((-1, 4)))): |
next_idx, prev_idx, child_idx, parent_idx = h |
if parent_idx >= 0: |
continue |
m = ellipse.moments_from_dict(cv2.moments(c)) |
if m[0] <= abs_area_cutoff: |
continue |
children = [] |
while child_idx >= 0: |
child_contour = contours[child_idx] |
cm = cv2.moments(child_contour) |
if cm['m00'] > abs_area_cutoff: |
children.append(child_contour) |
allchildren.append(child_contour) |
child_idx = hierarchy[child_idx][0] |
if children: |
work = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) |
cv2.drawContours(work, contours, i, (1,1,1), -1) |
cv2.drawContours(work, children, -1, (0,0,0), -1) |
m = ellipse.moments_from_dict(cv2.moments(work, True)) |
centroids.append(m[1:3]/m[0]) |
centroid_accum += m[1:3] |
total_area += m[0] |
pts = np.vstack((pts, c.astype('float32'))) |
conic = ellipse.conic_from_moments(m) |
okcontours.append(c) |
conics.append(conic) |
areas.append(m[0]) |
display = img.copy() |
cv2.drawContours(display, okcontours+allchildren, |
-1, (0, 255, 0), |
6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('contours_only', display) |
for c, a in zip(okcontours, areas): |
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(c) |
s = str('{:,d}'.format(int(a))) |
#ctr = (x + w/2 - 15*len(s), y+h/2+10) |
ctr = (x, y+h+20) |
cv2.putText(display, s, ctr, |
(0, 0, 0), 12, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.putText(display, s, ctr, |
(0, 255, 0), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('contours', display) |
areas = np.array(areas) |
amean = areas.mean() |
print('got {} contours with {} small.'.format( |
len(areas), (areas < mean_area_cutoff*amean).sum())) |
idx = np.where(areas > mean_area_cutoff*amean)[0] |
conics = np.array(conics) |
conics = conics[idx] |
centroid_accum /= total_area |
display = img.copy() |
for conic in conics: |
x0, y0, a, b, theta = ellipse.gparams_from_conic(conic) |
cv2.ellipse(display, (int(x0), int(y0)), (int(a), int(b)), |
theta*180/np.pi, 0, 360, (0,0,255), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('conics', display) |
contours = [okcontours[i].astype('float32') for i in idx] |
if 0: |
centroids = np.array([centroids[i] for i in idx]) |
areas = areas[idx] |
def polyfit(x, y): |
coeffs = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=1) |
ypred = np.polyval(coeffs, x) |
ymean = np.mean(y) |
sstot = np.sum((y - ymean)**2) |
ssres = np.sum((y.flatten() - ypred.flatten())**2) |
r2 = 1 - ssres/sstot |
return coeffs, r2 |
xfit, xr2 = polyfit(centroids[:,0], areas) |
yfit, yr2 = polyfit(centroids[:,1], areas) |
xlabel = 'X coordinate (r²={:.2f})'.format(xr2) |
ylabel = 'Y coordinate (r²={:.2f})'.format(yr2) |
plt.plot(centroids[:,0], areas, 'b.', zorder=1) |
plt.plot(centroids[:,1], areas, 'r.', zorder=1) |
plt.gca().autoscale(False) |
plt.plot([0, 3000], np.polyval(xfit, [0,3000]), 'b--', |
zorder=0, label=xlabel) |
plt.plot([0, 3000], np.polyval(yfit, [0,3000]), 'r--', |
zorder=0, label=ylabel) |
plt.legend(loc='upper right') |
plt.xlabel('X/Y coordinate (px)') |
plt.ylabel('Contour area (px²)') |
plt.savefig('position-vs-area.pdf') |
return conics, contours, centroid_accum |
def optimize_conics(conics, p0): |
x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) |
hfunc = lambda x: centered_warp(p0[0], p0[1], x[0], x[1]) |
opt_results = [] |
f = lambda x: conic_area_discrepancy(conics, x, hfunc(x), opt_results) |
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(f, x0, method='Powell') |
H = hfunc(res.x) |
rects = [] |
if 0: |
phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 16, endpoint=False) |
width, height = 0, 0 |
for x, H, fval in opt_results: |
allxy = [] |
for conic in conics: |
Hconic = ellipse.conic_transform(conic, H) |
gparams = ellipse.gparams_from_conic(Hconic) |
x, y = ellipse.gparams_evaluate(gparams, phi) |
xy = np.dstack((x.reshape((-1, 1, 1)), y.reshape((-1, 1, 1)))) |
allxy.append(xy) |
allxy = np.vstack(tuple(allxy)).astype(np.float32) |
rect = cv2.boundingRect(allxy) |
rects.append(rect) |
x, y, w, h = rect |
width = max(width, w) |
height = max(height, h) |
border = int(0.05 * min(width, height)) |
width += border |
height += border |
aspect = float(width)/height |
if aspect < 2.0: |
width = 2*height |
else: |
height = width/2 |
for i, (rect, (x, H, fval)) in enumerate(zip(rects, opt_results)): |
display = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) |
x, y, w, h = rect |
xoffs = width/2 - (x+w/2) |
yoffs = height/2 - (y+h/2) |
for conic in conics: |
Hconic = ellipse.conic_transform(conic, H) |
x0, y0, a, b, theta = ellipse.gparams_from_conic(Hconic) |
cv2.ellipse(display, (int(x0+xoffs), int(y0+yoffs)), (int(a), int(b)), |
theta*180/np.pi, 0, 360, (255,255,255), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.putText(display, 'Area discrepancy: {:.3f}'.format(fval), |
(16, height-24), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0, |
(255,255,255), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.imwrite('frame{:04d}.png'.format(i), display) |
return H |
def orientation_detect(img, contours, H, rho=8.0, ntheta=512): |
# ignore this, just deal with edge-detected text |
pts = np.vstack(tuple(contours)) |
shape, TH = warp_containing_points(img, pts, H, shape_only=True) |
text_edges = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8) |
for contour in contours: |
contour = cv2.perspectiveTransform(contour.astype(np.float32), TH) |
cv2.drawContours(text_edges, [contour.astype(int)], 0, (255,255,255)) |
debug_show('edges', text_edges) |
# generate a linspace of thetas |
thetas = np.linspace(-0.5*np.pi, 0.5*np.pi, ntheta, endpoint=False) |
# rho is pixels per r bin in polar (theta, r) histogram |
# irho is bins per pixel |
irho = 1.0/rho |
# get height and width |
h, w = text_edges.shape |
# maximum bin index is given by hypotenuse of (w, h) divided by pixels per bin |
bin_max = int(np.ceil(np.hypot(w, h)*irho)) |
# initialize zeroed histogram height bin_max and width num theta |
hist = np.zeros((bin_max, ntheta)) |
# let u and v be x and y coordinates (respectively) of non-zero |
# pixels in edge map |
v, u = np.mgrid[0:h, 0:w] |
v = v[text_edges.view(bool)] |
u = u[text_edges.view(bool)] |
# get center coordinates |
u0 = w*0.5 |
v0 = h*0.5 |
# for each i and theta = thetas[i] |
for i, theta in enumerate(thetas): |
# for each nonzero edge pixel, compute bin in r direction from |
# pixel location and cos/sin of theta |
bin_idx = ( (-(u-u0)*np.sin(theta) # x term |
+ (v-v0)*np.cos(theta))*irho # y term, both |
# divided by pixels |
# per bin |
+ 0.5*bin_max ) # offset for center pixel |
assert( bin_idx.min() >= 0 and bin_idx.max() < bin_max ) |
# 0.5 is for correct rounding here |
# |
# e.g. np.bincount([1, 1, 0, 3]) = [1, 2, 0, 1] |
# returns count of each integer in the array |
bc = np.bincount((bin_idx + 0.5).astype(int)) |
# push this into the histogram |
hist[:len(bc),i] = bc |
# number of zero pixels in each column |
num_zero = (hist == 0).sum(axis=0) |
# find the maximum number of zero pixels |
best_theta_idx = num_zero.argmax() |
# actual detected theta - could just return this now |
theta = thetas[best_theta_idx] |
# compose with previous homography |
RH = np.dot(rotation(-theta), H) |
if 1: # just debug visualization |
debug_hist = (255*hist/hist.max()).astype('uint8') |
debug_hist = cv2.cvtColor(debug_hist, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) |
cv2.line(debug_hist, |
(best_theta_idx, 0), |
(best_theta_idx, bin_max), (255,0,0), |
1, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('histogram', debug_hist) |
p0 = np.array((u0, v0)) |
t = np.array((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta))) |
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img, TH, (shape[1], shape[0]), |
borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) |
debug_show('prerotate_noline', warped) |
cv2.line(warped, |
tuple(map(int, p0 - rho*bin_max*t)), |
tuple(map(int, p0 + rho*bin_max*t)), |
(255, 0, 0), |
6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('prerotate', warped) |
warped, _ = warp_containing_points(img, pts, RH) |
debug_show('preskew', warped) |
return RH |
def skew_detect(img, contours, RH): |
hulls = [cv2.convexHull(c) for c in contours] |
pts = np.vstack(tuple(hulls)) |
display, TRH = warp_containing_points(img, pts, RH) |
for h in hulls: |
h = cv2.perspectiveTransform(h, TRH).astype(int) |
cv2.drawContours(display, [h], 0, (255, 0, 255), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('convex_hulls_before', display) |
f = lambda x: skewed_widths(contours, np.dot(slant(x), RH)) |
res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(f, (-2.0, 0.0, 2.0)) |
SRH = np.dot(slant(res.x), RH) |
warped, Hfinal = warp_containing_points(img, pts, SRH) |
display = warped.copy() |
for h in hulls: |
h = cv2.perspectiveTransform(h, Hfinal).astype(int) |
cv2.drawContours(display, [h], 0, (255, 0, 255), 6, cv2.LINE_AA) |
debug_show('convex_hulls_after', display) |
debug_show('final', warped) |
return SRH |
def main(): |
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1]) |
debug_show('input', img) |
contours, hierarchy = get_contours(img) |
conics, contours, centroid = get_conics(img, contours, hierarchy) |
H = optimize_conics(conics, centroid) |
RH = orientation_detect(img, contours, H) |
SRH = skew_detect(img, contours, RH) |
for img in DEBUG_IMAGES: |
cv2.imshow('Debug', img) |
while cv2.waitKey(5) < 0: |
pass |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |
Reference in new issue