prepareForConvertPDF(); $contents = $this->getFileContents(); if ( ! $contents) { throw new \Exception('Cannot get pdf file contents.'); } $this->storage->put("$this->directoryPath/", $contents); } protected function getFileContents() { $outputPath = $this->storage->path("$this->directoryPath/html"); $process = new Process([ 'pdftohtml', '-xml', $this->storage->path($this->path), $outputPath ]); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } // Remove original document. $this->storage->delete($this->path); return $this->getDataFromXML(); } protected function getDataFromXML() { $xmlFilePath = "$this->directoryPath/html.xml"; $contents = $this->storage->get($xmlFilePath); $xml = simplexml_load_string($contents); $orderedList = []; $fonts = []; foreach ($xml->page as $page) { $pageNumber = (int) $page['number'][0]; $orderedList[$pageNumber] = []; foreach ($page as $p) { if ($p->getName() === 'fontspec') { $fonts[(int) $p['id']]['family'] = (string) $p['family']; $fonts[(int) $p['id']]['size'] = (string) $p['size']; $fonts[(int) $p['id']]['color'] = (string) $p['color']; } if (isset($p['top'])) { $top = (int) $p['top']; if ( ! array_key_exists($top, $orderedList[$pageNumber])) { $orderedList[$pageNumber][$top] = []; } $orderedList[$pageNumber][$top][] = $p; } } ksort($orderedList[$pageNumber]); } $hasImages = false; $hasText = false; $imagesCount = 0; $imagesInFooter = true; $mdContents = ''; try { foreach ($orderedList as $page) { $html = ''; $footerImages = []; foreach ($page as $items) { $continuousP = ''; foreach ($items as $p) { if ($p->getName() == 'image') { $basePath = $this->storage->path(''); $imageFilePath = str_replace($basePath, '', $p['src']); $textContents = $this->applyOCR($imageFilePath); if ($textContents) { if ($html) { $mdContents = $mdContents . $this->convertHtmlToMD($html) . "\n"; $html = ''; } $mdContents = $mdContents . $textContents . "\n"; $this->storage->delete($imageFilePath); $hasText = true; } else { $hasImages = true; $imagesCount += 1; $caption = "Fig. $imagesCount"; $imageHTML = $this->handleImage($p, $caption); if ( ! $imagesInFooter) { $html = $html . $imageHTML; } else { $html = $html . "


"; $footerImages[] = $imageHTML; } } } if ($p->getName() == 'text') { $continuousP = $continuousP . $this->handleText($p, $fonts); $hasText = true; } } $html = $html . '

' . $continuousP . '

'; } if ($imagesInFooter) { foreach ($footerImages as $index => $footerImage) { $html = $html . '

' . $footerImage . '

'; } } $mdContents = $mdContents . $this->convertHtmlToMD($html) . "\n\n"; } } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->storage->deleteDirectory($this->directoryPath); \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log::info($exception->getTraceAsString()); throw new \Exception('Something went wrong.'); } if ( ! $hasText && ! $hasImages) { // Remove directory because we do not have any use for it anymore. $this->storage->deleteDirectory($this->directoryPath); } else { // Remove the unnecessary 'xml' file. $this->storage->delete($xmlFilePath); } return $mdContents; } protected function handleImage($p, $caption) { $html = ''; $src = './' . pathinfo($p['src'], PATHINFO_BASENAME); $html = $html . '
'; $html = $html . '' . $caption . ''; $html = $html . '
'; $html = $html . '
'; return $html; } protected function handleText($p, $fonts) { $id = (int) $p['font']; $font_size = $fonts[$id]['size']; $font_color = $fonts[$id]['color']; $font_family = $fonts[$id]['family']; $style = ''; $style = $style . 'position: absolute;'; $style = $style . "color: $font_color;"; $style = $style . "font-family: $font_family;"; $style = $style . "font-weight: 900;"; $style = $style . "width: " . $p['width'] . "px;"; $style = $style . "height: " . $p['height'] . "px;"; $style = $style . "top: " . $p['top'] . "px;"; $style = $style . "left: " . $p['left'] . "px;"; $style = $style . "font-size: $font_size" . "px;"; if ($p->i) { $content = '' . $p->i . ''; } else if ($p->b) { $content = '' . $p->b . ''; } else { $content = $p; } $tag = $this->getTag($font_size); return '<' . $tag . ' style="' . $style . '">' . $content . ''; } protected function getTag($size) { // @TODO Needed to bump values up by 2, the XML loader gives different results on different servers. if ($size > 26) { return 'h1'; } if ($size > 20) { return 'h2'; } if ($size > 18) { return 'h3'; } return 'span'; } protected function applyOCR($path) { $ocr = new OCR($this->storage->path($path)); return $ocr->execute(); } protected function convertHtmlToMD($contents) { $html = '' . $contents . ''; $converter = new HtmlConverter(); $converter->getConfig()->setOption('strip_tags', true); return $converter->convert($html); } protected function prepareForConvertPDF() { (new Process(['export HOME=' . env('USER_HOME_PATH')]))->run(); $process = new Process([ 'pip3', 'install', 'pdftotext', ]); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } } }