Repo for the search and displace ingest module that takes odf, docx and pdf and transforms it into .md to be used with search and displace operations
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
3.6 KiB

namespace App\Parser\DocxParser;
use App\Parser\DocxParser\Traits\Helper;
class Text
use Helper;
public function handle($textElement)
$data = $this->getElementData($textElement);
$data[ 'type' ] = 'text';
return $data;
* @param $textElement
* @return array
private function getElementData($textElement)
$text = $textElement->getText();
//if (strpos($text, 'PPOINTMENT AND GRANT OF LICENSE') !== false) {
// dd($textElement->getParent()->getDepth());
$textData = $this->getNumberingFromText($text);
if (strlen($textData[ 'content' ])) {
$textData[ 'content' ] = $this->styleTheText($textData[ 'content' ], $textElement);
return $textData;
* @param $text
* @return array
private function getNumberingFromText($text)
$data = [];
preg_match('/^([0-9.])([^(A-Z)(a-z) ]*)/', trim($text), $match);
if ($match && isset($match[ 0 ]) && $match[ 0 ] !== '.') {
$data[ 'content' ] = trim(str_replace($match[ 0 ], '', $text));
$data[ 'numbering' ] = $match[ 0 ];
} else {
$data[ 'content' ] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', $text));
return $data;
private function styleTheText($textString, $textObject)
$textStyle = [
'font' => $textObject->getFontStyle(),
'paragraph' => $textObject->getParagraphStyle()
$fontStyle = $textStyle[ 'font' ]->getStyleValues();
$inlineStyle = $this->getInlineStyles(array_merge($fontStyle[ 'style' ], $fontStyle[ 'basic' ]));
return '<span'.(($inlineStyle) ? ' style="'.$inlineStyle.'"' : '').'>'.$this->getStyledText($textString,
$fontStyle[ 'style' ]).'</span>';
* @param $styles
* @return string
private function getInlineStyles($styles)
$styleString = '';
$acceptedInline = [
"dStrike" => 'text-decoration: line-through;text-decoration-style: double;',
"smallCaps" => 'text-transform: lowercase;',
"allCaps" => 'text-transform: capitalize;',
"fgColor" => 'background-color:'.$styles[ 'fgColor' ].';',
"hidden" => 'display:none;',
"size" => 'font-size:'.$styles[ 'size' ].'pt;',
"color" => 'color:#'.$styles[ 'color' ].';'
foreach ($styles as $style => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($style, $acceptedInline) && $value && ! in_array($value, ['none', 'auto'])) {
$styleString .= $acceptedInline[ $style ];
return $styleString;
* @param $text
* @param $styles
* @return string
private function getStyledText($text, $styles)
$mappedStyle = [
'bold' => 'strong',
'italic' => 'i',
'underline' => 'u',
'strike' => 'strike',
"super" => 'sup',
"sub" => 'sub',
foreach ($styles as $style => $active) {
if (array_key_exists($style, $mappedStyle) && $active && $active !== 'none') {
$text = $this->appendHtmlStyle($text, $mappedStyle[ $style ]);
return $text;
* @param $text
* @param $styleType
* @return string
private function appendHtmlStyle($text, $styleType)
return "<$styleType>$text</$styleType>";