You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
441 lines
12 KiB
441 lines
12 KiB
object FormMain: TFormMain
Left = 637
Height = 740
Top = 231
Width = 521
AllowDropFiles = True
Caption = 'Deskew GUI'
ClientHeight = 740
ClientWidth = 521
Color = clWhite
Constraints.MinHeight = 520
Constraints.MinWidth = 520
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
OnDropFiles = FormDropFiles
Position = poWorkAreaCenter
SessionProperties = 'Position'
LCLVersion = ''
object Notebook: TNotebook
Left = 8
Height = 724
Top = 8
Width = 505
PageIndex = 0
Align = alClient
BorderSpacing.Around = 8
TabOrder = 0
object PageIn: TPage
Color = clWhite
object BtnDeskew: TButton
Left = 0
Height = 57
Top = 667
Width = 505
Action = ActDeskew
Align = alBottom
Anchors = [akLeft]
Font.Height = -32
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
object PanelFiles: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 465
Top = 0
Width = 505
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
ClientHeight = 465
ClientWidth = 505
TabOrder = 0
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 0
Height = 23
Top = 4
Width = 505
Align = alTop
BorderSpacing.Top = 4
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
Caption = 'Input Files'
Font.Color = 11428096
Font.Height = 24
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object MemoFiles: TMemo
Left = 0
Height = 374
Top = 37
Width = 505
Align = alClient
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 54
ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
TabOrder = 0
WordWrap = False
object BtnAddFiles: TButton
Left = 0
Height = 37
Top = 417
Width = 103
Action = ActAddFiles
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
Default = True
Font.Height = -16
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object BtnClear: TButton
Left = 402
Height = 37
Top = 417
Width = 103
Action = ActClearFiles
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
Font.Height = -16
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
object BtnAbout: TButton
Left = 468
Height = 25
Top = 0
Width = 37
Action = ActShowAbout
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
AutoSize = True
TabOrder = 3
TabStop = False
object PanelOptions: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 182
Top = 471
Width = 505
Align = alBottom
AutoSize = True
BorderSpacing.Top = 6
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 14
BevelOuter = bvNone
ClientHeight = 182
ClientWidth = 505
TabOrder = 1
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 0
Height = 23
Top = 4
Width = 505
Align = alTop
BorderSpacing.Top = 4
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4
Caption = 'Options && Parameters'
Font.Color = 11428096
Font.Height = 24
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 143
Top = 31
Width = 505
Align = alClient
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 8
BevelOuter = bvNone
ClientHeight = 143
ClientWidth = 505
TabOrder = 0
object ColorBtnBackground: TColorButton
AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabBackColor
AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideTop.Control = LabBackColor
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
Left = 117
Height = 28
Top = 115
Width = 64
BorderSpacing.Left = 12
BorderWidth = 2
ButtonColorSize = 16
ButtonColor = clWhite
Flat = True
object LabOptOutputFolder: TLabel
AnchorSideTop.Control = CheckDefaultOutputFileOptions
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
Left = 8
Height = 15
Top = 43
Width = 75
BorderSpacing.Top = 12
Caption = 'Output folder:'
ParentColor = False
object LabBackColor: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 15
Top = 122
Width = 97
Caption = 'Background color:'
ParentColor = False
object CheckDefaultOutputFileOptions: TCheckBox
Left = 8
Height = 19
Top = 12
Width = 180
Caption = 'Use default output file options'
Checked = True
State = cbChecked
TabOrder = 0
object LabOptFileFormat: TLabel
AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
Left = 8
Height = 15
Top = 76
Width = 60
BorderSpacing.Top = 18
Caption = 'File format:'
ParentColor = False
object ComboFileFormat: TComboBox
AnchorSideLeft.Control = EdDirOutput
AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptFileFormat
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
Left = 95
Height = 23
Top = 72
Width = 256
ItemHeight = 15
Style = csDropDownList
TabOrder = 3
object EdDirOutput: TEdit
AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideTop.Control = LabOptOutputFolder
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
AnchorSideRight.Control = BtnBrowseOutputDir
Left = 95
Height = 23
Top = 39
Width = 323
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
BorderSpacing.Left = 12
BorderSpacing.Right = 4
TabOrder = 1
object BtnBrowseOutputDir: TButton
AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideTop.Control = EdDirOutput
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
AnchorSideRight.Control = Panel1
AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrCenter
Left = 424
Height = 25
Top = 38
Width = 73
Action = ActBrowseOutputDir
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
AutoSize = True
BorderSpacing.Left = 6
BorderSpacing.Right = 8
TabOrder = 2
object BtnAdvOptions: TButton
AnchorSideTop.Control = LabBackColor
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
AnchorSideRight.Control = BtnBrowseOutputDir
AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
Left = 396
Height = 25
Top = 117
Width = 101
Action = ActShowAdvOptions
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
TabOrder = 4
object PageOut: TPage
object PanelProgress: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 106
Top = 0
Width = 505
Align = alTop
BevelOuter = bvNone
ClientHeight = 106
ClientWidth = 505
TabOrder = 0
object LabDeskewProgressTitle: TLabel
Left = 0
Height = 28
Top = 4
Width = 505
Align = alTop
BorderSpacing.Top = 4
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4
Caption = 'Deskew in Progress'
Font.Color = 11428096
Font.Height = 24
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object ProgressBar: TProgressBar
Left = 8
Height = 20
Top = 76
Width = 489
Align = alBottom
BorderSpacing.Left = 8
BorderSpacing.Top = 8
BorderSpacing.Right = 8
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
Max = 10
ParentColor = False
Position = 4
Smooth = True
TabOrder = 0
object LabProgressTitle: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 16
Top = 52
Width = 75
BorderSpacing.Left = 8
BorderSpacing.Right = 4
Caption = 'Current file:'
Layout = tlBottom
ParentColor = False
object LabCurrentFile: TLabel
AnchorSideLeft.Control = LabProgressTitle
AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideRight.Control = PanelProgress
AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
AnchorSideBottom.Control = LabProgressTitle
AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
Left = 88
Height = 18
Top = 50
Width = 417
Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
AutoSize = False
BorderSpacing.Left = 5
Caption = 'FileName.ext [22/152]'
Font.Height = 16
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Layout = tlBottom
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
OptimalFill = True
object PanelOut: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 595
Top = 106
Width = 505
Align = alClient
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 18
BevelOuter = bvNone
ClientHeight = 595
ClientWidth = 505
TabOrder = 1
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 0
Height = 28
Top = 4
Width = 505
Align = alTop
BorderSpacing.Top = 4
BorderSpacing.Bottom = 10
Caption = 'Output Log'
Font.Color = 11428096
Font.Height = 24
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object MemoOutput: TMemo
Left = 0
Height = 553
Top = 42
Width = 505
Align = alClient
Font.Height = -12
Font.Name = 'Courier New'
ParentFont = False
ReadOnly = True
ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
TabOrder = 0
WantReturns = False
WordWrap = False
object BtnFinish: TButton
Left = 0
Height = 57
Top = 719
Width = 505
Action = ActFinish
Align = alBottom
Anchors = [akLeft]
Font.Height = -32
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
object ApplicationProperties: TApplicationProperties
OnIdle = ApplicationPropertiesIdle
left = 176
top = 200
object ActionList: TActionList
left = 280
top = 200
object ActDeskew: TAction
Caption = 'Deskew!'
OnExecute = ActDeskewExecute
OnUpdate = ActDeskewUpdate
object ActFinish: TAction
Caption = 'Stop'
OnExecute = ActFinishExecute
object ActAddFiles: TAction
Caption = 'Add files...'
OnExecute = ActAddFilesExecute
object ActClearFiles: TAction
Caption = 'Clear'
OnExecute = ActClearFilesExecute
object ActBrowseOutputDir: TAction
Caption = 'Browse...'
OnExecute = ActBrowseOutputDirExecute
object ActShowAdvOptions: TAction
Caption = 'Advanced...'
OnExecute = ActShowAdvOptionsExecute
object ActShowAbout: TAction
Caption = ' ? '
OnExecute = ActShowAboutExecute