## Search & Displace ## :cyclone: About Search and Displace is developing a workflow and toolchain which intends to address the problem of mass search and displacement for document content where the original documents are in a range of forms, including a wide variety of digital document formats, both binary and more modern compressed XML forms, but also encompassing older documents where the only surviving form is printed or even handwritten. The project website is https://searchanddisplace.com ## :rocket: Installation First install nix following the instructions on their website at https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#chap-installation The add search-and-displace channel to your nix environment and update it: ```bash nix-channel --add https://git.law/newroco/searchanddisplace/raw/master/pkgs/nixexprs.tar.xz nix-channel --update ``` You can now install search-and-displace: ```bash nix-env -i search-and-displace ``` ## :roller_coaster: Usage