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## locolamp: Download a collection of binaries for use in "LAMP"-style development
## (Apache, PHP, NodeJS, etc). Binaries are downloaded from nixpkgs.
## This file is generally organized into sections:
## 1. Import a list of available software packages.
## 2. Pick a list of specific packages.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
inherit system;
}, system ? builtins.currentSystem
## Import a list of available software packages.
## Observe: The list of available software comes from Github (``).
## The Github URLs can be changed to reference:
## - Branches
## - Tags or commits
## - Unofficial forks (different owners/projects)
## Referencing a branch means that `nix-shell` will (from time to time) automatically get
## newer versions of the packages. Referencing a tag or commit means that
## the exact versions of the software will be locked.
## Import the standard package repository (nixpkgs v18.09). Assign it the name "pkgs".
## Observe: The name "pkgs" follows a coding-convention, but it's just a
## local variable. We could call it anything (as long as we're consistent
## about it below).
## Observe: The notation `import (...url...) {...options...}` accepts a list of options.
## This can be useful if you need custom compilation options for some packages.
pkgs = import (fetchTarball {
inherit system;
## Import some specific packages that are not available in nixpkgs.
## "callPackage" is a common helper/convention that makes it easier to get other packages.
callPackage = path: overrides:
let f = import path;
in f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) pkgs) // overrides);
## By default, we download a specific version of loco. But if you had a
## local codebase for development purposes, you could use that instead.
ramdisk = callPackage (fetchTarball {};
## Generating php.ini requires some special work.
phpExtLoader = extSpec: (callPackage ./.loco/pkgs/php-exts/default.nix ({ inherit pkgs; } // extSpec));
sd-core = callPackage (fetchTarball {};
## Now, we have a list of available software packages.
## Let's define the "locolamp" project and include some specific dependencies.
in [
## Major services / runtimes
pkgs.apacheHttpd /* ... or pkgs.nginx ... */
## pkgs.mariadb /* ... or pkgs.mysql57, pkgs.mysql55 ... */
pkgs.nodejs-10_x /* ... or pkgs.nodejs-8_x, pkgs.nodes-6_x ... */
pkgs.redis /* ... or pkgs.memcached ... */
pkgs.php74 /* ... or pkgs.php71, oldPkgs.php70, oldPkgs.php56 ... */
(phpExtLoader {
zendExts = [
stdExts = [
## pkgs.php74Packages.imagick
# pkgs.mailcatcher
## CLI utilities
## Aside: Downloading a different version of PHP or MySQL or NodeJS is
## simple, but bear in mind: this is upgrading (or downgrading). You
## may need to change configuration files to match. Most services are
## pretty good about forward-compatibility, but some (*ahem*MySQL*MariaDB*)
## may give errors and require edits to the configuration.