Browse Source

Minor bugfixes

Radu Liviu Carjan 3 years ago
  1. 21485
  2. 1
  3. 1354
  4. 1
  5. 4
  6. 14
  7. 5
  8. 54
  9. 49
  10. 37

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"@types/marked": "^2.0.3", "@types/marked": "^2.0.3",
"marked": "^2.0.5", "marked": "^2.0.5",
"mitt": "^2.1.0",
"primeflex": "^2.0.0", "primeflex": "^2.0.0",
"primeicons": "^4.1.0", "primeicons": "^4.1.0",
"primevue": "^2.4.1", "primevue": "^2.4.1",

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"","sources":["../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export type EventType = string | symbol;\n\n// An event handler can take an optional event argument\n// and should not return a value\nexport type Handler<T = any> = (event?: T) => void;\nexport type WildcardHandler = (type: EventType, event?: any) => void;\n\n// An array of all currently registered event handlers for a type\nexport type EventHandlerList = Array<Handler>;\nexport type WildCardEventHandlerList = Array<WildcardHandler>;\n\n// A map of event types and their corresponding event handlers.\nexport type EventHandlerMap = Map<EventType, EventHandlerList | WildCardEventHandlerList>;\n\nexport interface Emitter {\n\tall: EventHandlerMap;\n\n\ton<T = any>(type: EventType, handler: Handler<T>): void;\n\ton(type: '*', handler: WildcardHandler): void;\n\n\toff<T = any>(type: EventType, handler: Handler<T>): void;\n\toff(type: '*', handler: WildcardHandler): void;\n\n\temit<T = any>(type: EventType, event?: T): void;\n\temit(type: '*', event?: any): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * Mitt: Tiny (~200b) functional event emitter / pubsub.\n * @name mitt\n * @returns {Mitt}\n */\nexport default function mitt(all?: EventHandlerMap): Emitter {\n\tall = all || new Map();\n\n\treturn {\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * A Map of event names to registered handler functions.\n\t\t */\n\t\tall,\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Register an event handler for the given type.\n\t\t * @param {string|symbol} type Type of event to listen for, or `\"*\"` for all events\n\t\t * @param {Function} handler Function to call in response to given event\n\t\t * @memberOf mitt\n\t\t */\n\t\ton<T = any>(type: EventType, handler: Handler<T>) {\n\t\t\tconst handlers = all.get(type);\n\t\t\tconst added = handlers && handlers.push(handler);\n\t\t\tif (!added) {\n\t\t\t\tall.set(type, [handler]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Remove an event handler for the given type.\n\t\t * @param {string|symbol} type Type of event to unregister `handler` from, or `\"*\"`\n\t\t * @param {Function} handler Handler function to remove\n\t\t * @memberOf mitt\n\t\t */\n\t\toff<T = any>(type: EventType, handler: Handler<T>) {\n\t\t\tconst handlers = all.get(type);\n\t\t\tif (handlers) {\n\t\t\t\thandlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler) >>> 0, 1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Invoke all handlers for the given type.\n\t\t * If present, `\"*\"` handlers are invoked after type-matched handlers.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Note: Manually firing \"*\" handlers is not supported.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param {string|symbol} type The event type to invoke\n\t\t * @param {Any} [evt] Any value (object is recommended and powerful), passed to each handler\n\t\t * @memberOf mitt\n\t\t */\n\t\temit<T = any>(type: EventType, evt: T) {\n\t\t\t((all.get(type) || []) as EventHandlerList).slice().map((handler) => { handler(evt); });\n\t\t\t((all.get('*') || []) as WildCardEventHandlerList).slice().map((handler) => { handler(type, evt); });\n\t\t}\n\t};\n}\n"],"names":["all","Map","on","type","handler","handlers","get","push","set","off","splice","indexOf","emit","evt","slice","map"],"mappings":"wBAgC6BA,GAG5B,MAAO,CAKNA,IAPDA,EAAMA,GAAO,IAAIC,IAehBC,YAAYC,EAAiBC,GAC5B,IAAMC,EAAWL,EAAIM,IAAIH,GACXE,GAAYA,EAASE,KAAKH,IAEvCJ,EAAIQ,IAAIL,EAAM,CAACC,KAUjBK,aAAaN,EAAiBC,GAC7B,IAAMC,EAAWL,EAAIM,IAAIH,GACrBE,GACHA,EAASK,OAAOL,EAASM,QAAQP,KAAa,EAAG,IAcnDQ,cAAcT,EAAiBU,IAC5Bb,EAAIM,IAAIH,IAAS,IAAyBW,QAAQC,IAAI,SAACX,GAAcA,EAAQS,MAC7Eb,EAAIM,IAAI,MAAQ,IAAiCQ,QAAQC,IAAI,SAACX,GAAcA,EAAQD,EAAMU"}


@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import Dialog from 'primevue/dialog';
import Message from 'primevue/message'; import Message from 'primevue/message';
import Timeline from 'primevue/timeline'; import Timeline from 'primevue/timeline';
import ScrollPanel from 'primevue/scrollpanel'; import ScrollPanel from 'primevue/scrollpanel';
import ConfirmationService from 'primevue/confirmationservice';
import ConfirmDialog from 'primevue/confirmdialog';
// Own components // Own components
import AppHeader from './components/layout/Header.vue'; import AppHeader from './components/layout/Header.vue';
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Vue.use(PrimeVue, {
}); });
Vue.use(ToastService); Vue.use(ToastService);
Vue.use(ApiPlugin); Vue.use(ApiPlugin);
Vue.component('Button', Button); Vue.component('Button', Button);
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ Vue.component('Dialog', Dialog);
Vue.component('Message', Message); Vue.component('Message', Message);
Vue.component('Timeline', Timeline); Vue.component('Timeline', Timeline);
Vue.component('ScrollPanel', ScrollPanel); Vue.component('ScrollPanel', ScrollPanel);
Vue.component('ConfirmDialog', ConfirmDialog);
// Layout // Layout
Vue.component('app-header', AppHeader); Vue.component('app-header', AppHeader);


@ -17,9 +17,19 @@ export default class Home extends Vue {
/** /**
* A method which uploads the files to the server for processing * A method which uploads the files to the server for processing
* *
* @param event The event containing the uploaded files information
* @param {any} event The event containing the uploaded files information
*/ */
public async uploadFile(event: any): Promise<void> { public async uploadFile(event: any): Promise<void> {
let file = event.files[0];
return this.uploadNewFile(file);
* A method which uploads the files to the server for processing
* @param {File} file The event containing the uploaded files information
public async uploadNewFile(file: File): Promise<void> {
this.uploading = true; this.uploading = true;
this.fileUploaded = false; this.fileUploaded = false;
@ -27,8 +37,6 @@ export default class Home extends Vue {
this.$toast.add({severity: 'info', summary: 'Uploading...', detail: 'Uploading your file...', life: 3000}); this.$toast.add({severity: 'info', summary: 'Uploading...', detail: 'Uploading your file...', life: 3000});
try { try {
let file = event.files[0];
let response = await this.$api.uploadFile(file); let response = await this.$api.uploadFile(file);
this.fileUploaded = true; this.fileUploaded = true;


@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
<Skeleton /><br /> <Skeleton /><br />
</div> </div>
<div class="wrap" v-else> <div class="wrap" v-else>
<process-file :file="uploadResult" :searchers="searchers"></process-file>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>


@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
// Toggles the visibility of the available searchers dialog // Toggles the visibility of the available searchers dialog
private searchersDialogVisible: boolean = false; private searchersDialogVisible: boolean = false;
// Toggles the visibility of the document upload dialog
private uploadDialogVisible: boolean = false;
// The list of filters/searchers in a format usable by the datatable // The list of filters/searchers in a format usable by the datatable
// private searchersData: Array<{ id: string; name: string; type: string; }> = []; // private searchersData: Array<{ id: string; name: string; type: string; }> = [];
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
private selectedSearchers: any = {}; private selectedSearchers: any = {};
//The list of expanded rows in the selected filters/searchers table //The list of expanded rows in the selected filters/searchers table
private expandedRows: Array<{ id: string; name: string; }> = [];
private expandedRows: Array<any> = [];
// The list of options applied to the searchers (for the moment, only replace_with) // The list of options applied to the searchers (for the moment, only replace_with)
private searchersOptions: { [key: string]: string } = {}; private searchersOptions: { [key: string]: string } = {};
@ -111,13 +114,54 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
if ( ! this.searchersDialogVisible) { if ( ! this.searchersDialogVisible) {
for (let selectedSearcher of this.newlySelectedSearchers) { for (let selectedSearcher of this.newlySelectedSearchers) {
this.selectedSearchers[] = selectedSearcher;
// this.selectedSearchers[] = selectedSearcher;
this.$set(this.selectedSearchers,, selectedSearcher);
this.expandedRows = Object.values(this.selectedSearchers).filter((p: any) =>;
} }
this.newlySelectedSearchers = []; this.newlySelectedSearchers = [];
} }
} }
* Toggle the dialog which lets the user upload a new document
* @param {boolean} newValue
toggleUploadDialog(newValue?: boolean) {
if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined') {
this.uploadDialogVisible = newValue;
} else {
this.uploadDialogVisible = !this.searchersDialogVisible;
* A method which uploads the files to the server for processing
* @param event The event containing the uploaded files information
public async uploadFile(event: any): Promise<void> {
message: 'You will lose any progress on the current uploaded document. Are you sure you want to proceed?',
header: 'Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
accept: () => {
this.fileContent = this.processedFileContent = '';
let file = event.files[0];
this.$emit('newFile', file);
reject: () => {
// TODO: Show a message to the user that the action was cancelled.
/** /**
* Wait for the file to be processed in ingest * Wait for the file to be processed in ingest
*/ */
@ -154,7 +198,7 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
* @param $event * @param $event
*/ */
private onSelectedSearchersReorder($event: any) { private onSelectedSearchersReorder($event: any) {
this.selectedSearchers = $event.value;
Object.assign({}, this.selectedSearchers, $event.value);
} }
private confirmDeleteProduct(searcher: any) { private confirmDeleteProduct(searcher: any) {
@ -190,6 +234,7 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
* Create the diff preview for the document * Create the diff preview for the document
*/ */
private createDiffPreview() { private createDiffPreview() {
console.log('CREATING DIFF PREVIEW: ', this.processedFileContent);
this.processedFileContentPreview = this.processedFileContent; this.processedFileContentPreview = this.processedFileContent;
let indexes: Array<{ start: number; end: number }> = []; let indexes: Array<{ start: number; end: number }> = [];
@ -233,7 +278,6 @@ export default class ProcessFile extends Vue {
*/ */
@Watch('showDiffHighlight') @Watch('showDiffHighlight')
private onDiffHighlightChanged(newValue: boolean, oldValue: boolean): void { private onDiffHighlightChanged(newValue: boolean, oldValue: boolean): void {
console.log('OLD: ', oldValue);
console.log('NEW: ', newValue);
} }
} }


@ -6,6 +6,15 @@
<template #left> <template #left>
<h3>Original document content</h3> <h3>Original document content</h3>
</template> </template>
<template #right>
label="Try another document"
icon="pi pi-upload"
class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
</Toolbar> </Toolbar>
</template> </template>
@ -60,7 +69,7 @@
label="Run filters" label="Run filters"
icon="pi pi-play" icon="pi pi-play"
class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm" class="p-button-success p-button-outlined p-button-sm"
:disabled="fileContent == '' || selectedSearchers.length === 0"
:disabled="fileContent == '' || Object.keys(selectedSearchers).length === 0"
@click="runSearchers()"/> @click="runSearchers()"/>
</template> </template>
</Toolbar> </Toolbar>
@ -169,13 +178,15 @@
dataKey="id" dataKey="id"
class="p-datatable-sm" class="p-datatable-sm"
:expandedRows.sync="expandedRows" :expandedRows.sync="expandedRows"
<Column :rowReorder="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem"/> <Column :rowReorder="true" headerStyle="width: 3rem"/>
<Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column>
<Column headerStyle="width: 3rem">
<template #body="slotProps"> <template #body="slotProps">
<Button icon="pi pi-trash" <Button icon="pi pi-trash"
class="p-button-rounded p-button-warning" class="p-button-rounded p-button-warning"
@ -204,8 +215,40 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<template #footer>
label="Run filters"
icon="pi pi-play"
class="p-button-success p-button-sm"
:disabled="fileContent == '' || Object.keys(selectedSearchers).length === 0"
@click="toggleSearchersSidebar(); runSearchers()"/>
</DataTable> </DataTable>
</Sidebar> </Sidebar>
<!-- File upload dialog -->
<Dialog header="Upload a new file"
:style="{width: '50vw'}"
:contentStyle="{overflow: 'visible'}"
<template #empty>
<p>Drag and drop files to here to upload.</p>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>


@ -2,19 +2,25 @@
<div class="header"> <div class="header">
<!-- Left side of header --> <!-- Left side of header -->
<div class="left"> <div class="left">
<Button @click="onHomeButtonClick" class="p-button-primary" label="Search and Displace" />
label="Search and Displace" />
</div> </div>
<!-- Right side of header --> <!-- Right side of header -->
<div class="right"> <div class="right">
<a href="/regex/create" style="margin-right: 1rem;">
<Button class="fc-button">Add regex</Button>
<a href="/searchers">
<Button class="fc-button">Searchers</Button>
class="p-button-primary fc-button"
label="Add regex" />
class="p-button-primary fc-button"
label="Add regex" />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
@ -27,5 +33,20 @@ export default class AppHeader extends Vue {
onHomeButtonClick() { onHomeButtonClick() {
window.location.href = '/'; window.location.href = '/';
} }
onRouteChange(url: string) {
message: 'You will lose any progress on the current uploaded document. Are you sure you want to proceed?',
header: 'Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
accept: () => {
window.location.href = url;
reject: () => {
// TODO: Show a message to the user that the action was cancelled.
} }
</script> </script>