Initial repo for search and displace code (written for, rather than the tools used in the processing)
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{ stdenv, fetchGit, sbcl, unzip, curl, git, openssl, php, phpPackages, nodejs}:
name = "search-and-displace";
gitStore = builtins.fetchGit {
url = "";
#url = "";
ref = "master";
inherit (phpPackages) composer;
buildPackage = { name, src }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit name src;
buildInputs = [ curl git openssl php composer nodejs ];
buildCommand = ''
#cd $src
#composer update
#composer install
#npm install
# cp .env.example .env
mkdir -p $out
cp -R $src/* $out
mv * $out
# Remove unwanted files - that is impossible with, nix, give up...
#rm -f $out/*.nix
#rm -R $out/pkgs
# Remove stuff not needed on production - composer.lock, composer.json, etc, etc - that is impossible with, nix, give up...
buildPackage {
inherit name;
#src = ./.;
src = gitStore;